Bjarne Kvinnsland


(Objekt ID 2400)
Object type Person
Functions Composer, Music, Sound designer, Producer, Music critic
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Adresse Oslo, Norway
Tilknyttet (1)
Involved in productions (14)
Title Premiere Role
Pearl of Scandinavia (The National StageKompani Camping) May 22, 2014 Music
Star. * (Hedmark Touring Organization) September 25, 2013 Sound design
We had all ore northing in front of us (BodyTech) May 2, 2013 Music
Off (Ur-Produksjoner) April 26, 2013 Musician
Forandre () March 1, 2013 Composition
Star. * (Hedmark Touring Organization) June 2012 Sound design
Urbi et Orbi (Dansdesign) May 14, 2011 Music
Dockplats (DansdesignSkånes Dansteater) September 9, 2010 Composition
Snow (Odd Johan Fritzøe) February 26, 2009 Music
Juv* (Canyon) (DansdesignThe Peer Gynt Festival) August 8, 2008 Composition
Mot himlaleite!* (Towards the area between the mountain and the sky) (Dansdesign) March 6, 2008 Composition
Juv* (Canyon) (DansdesignThe Peer Gynt Festival) August 8, 2007 Composition
Ugras (Hedmark Theatre) January 12, 2007 Music
Juv* (Canyon) (DansdesignThe Peer Gynt Festival) August 10, 2006 Composition
Zooom (Odd Johan Fritzøe) October 4, 2001 Music
Zooom (Odd Johan Fritzøe) September 13, 2000 Music
Star. * (Hedmark Touring Organization) September 7, 1998 Sound design
Continental Heaven (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) October 22, 1993 Playwright, Direction, Composer
Narciss () January 31, 1993 Composer, Musician
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Continental Heaven 1993, Script, Audio play – Author