Video excerpt from Katma and The Arctic Theatre's production Utsikt* (View) (2020)


(Objekt ID 104584)
Object type Multimedia
Published September 8, 2020
Recorded August 2020
Accession date September 23, 2020
Category Moving image / Video

© Katma

Colours Colour
Themes video, Children, Dance theatre, Interview, Director, Corona production
Location Tromsø, Norge

Video excerpt from Katma and The Arctic Theatre's production Utsikt* (View) (2020).

The video also contains a presentation of the production by director regissør Katrine M.E. Strøm.


Vimeo,, 23.09.2020,

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Affiliations (2)