Norwegian Critics' Award 2013/2014

Critical text of the year

  • Ine Therese Berg

    Ine Therese Berg won the award for the text Teatret ser til romanen for tiden (literally: Theatre looks to the novel for the time being), Morgenbladet, February 14-20 2014.

    Emil Bernhardt said the following, among other things, on behalf of Norwegian Critics' Association during the award ceremony:

    "The comment, printed in Morgenbladet February 14 2014, points at a tendency in the theatre to lean on the novel and thus raises the issue whether the theatre's own and particular characteristics are put in the background. This way the comment hints to a multidisciplinary challenge with validity also outside of theatre. The writer has written based on an intense involvement, giving the text a clear and distinct voice. The contact with a topical situation, shown through concrete examples, shines clearly through, and the comment has the ability to put the problem in question within a broad, yes, international context. In addition the writer contrasts different approaches and explanations against one another for eventually, as hinted, to open for 'the transformative ability of theatre'."

    The complete speech can be read (in Norwegian only) at the website of Norwegian Critics' Association.


    Norwegian Critics' Association,, 25.09.2014,

Nominated (3)
  • Ine Therese Berg

    Ine Therese Berg was nominated for the text Teatret ser til romanen for tiden (literally: Theatre looks to the novel for the time being), Morgenbladet, February 14-20 2014.

  • Mona Levin

    Mona Levin was nominated for the text Carte Blanche serverer samtidsdans uten dans (literally: Carte Blanche serves contemporary dance without dance), Aftenposten, January 21 2014.

  • Sidsel Pape

    Sidsel Pape was nominated for the text Romantisk samtidsdans (literally: Romantic contemporary dance), Norsk Shakespeare- og Teatertidsskrift 1/2014.

Norwegian Critics' Award (dance)

Nominated (4)
  • Paulo Arrais

    Dancer Paulo Arrais was nominated for his efforts in The Norwegian National Ballet's Swan Lake, The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet.

  • Signe Becker

    Choreographer Ingri Fiksdal and stage designer Signe Becker were nominated for Hoods, Black Box Teater.

  • Ingri Midgard Fiksdal

    Choreographer Ingri Fiksdal and stage designer Signe Becker were nominated for Hoods, Black Box Teater.

  • Julie Gardette

    Dancer Julie Gardette was nominated for her efforts in The Norwegian National Ballet's Onegin, The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet.

Norwegian Critics' Award (theatre)

  • Cecilie Løveid

    Jon Tombre (direction) and Cecilie Løveid (text) won the award for The Showing, The National Theatre.

    Chris Erichsen said the following, among other things, on behalf of Norwegian Critics' Association during the award ceremony:

    "There is something about her language. It is somewhat filled up. I have to be well prepared. To have cleaned the room inside of me, so that there is room for me in there, in her language. Perhaps it has something to do with 'the particular tone of broken language', as she writes in Alltid skyer over Askøy (literally: Always clouds above Askøy). Something with the enormous range she is always able to push into her language; from the fully transparent and fragile to the raw and expressive, in one and the same poetic mouthful.


    Some reviewers have criticised the production for being inconsequent in its expression. I would claim that just this inconsequence is part of the strength of the performance. Jon Tombre could have chosen safe and well on the top shelf a thorough expressional effect having led us without resistance through the performance. Instead he, with his ensemble, has chosen the risky way."

    The complete speech can be read (in Norwegian only) at the website of Norwegian Critics' Association.


    Norwegian Critics' Association,, 25.09.2014,

  • Jon Tombre

    Jon Tombre (direction) and Cecilie Løveid (text) won the award for The Showing, The National Theatre.

    Chris Erichsen said the following, among other things, on behalf of Norwegian Critics' Association during the award ceremony:

    "There is something about her language. It is somewhat filled up. I have to be well prepared. To have cleaned the room inside of me, so that there is room for me in there, in her language. Perhaps it has something to do with 'the particular tone of broken language', as she writes in Alltid skyer over Askøy (literally: Always clouds above Askøy). Something with the enormous range she is always able to push into her language; from the fully transparent and fragile to the raw and expressive, in one and the same poetic mouthful.


    Some reviewers have criticised the production for being inconsequent in its expression. I would claim that just this inconsequence is part of the strength of the performance. Jon Tombre could have chosen safe and well on the top shelf a thorough expressional effect having led us without resistance through the performance. Instead he, with his ensemble, has chosen the risky way."

    The complete speech can be read (in Norwegian only) at the website of Norwegian Critics' Association.


    Norwegian Critics' Association,, 25.09.2014,

Nominated (5)
  • Jon Tombre

    Jon Tombre (direction) and Cecilie Løveid (text) were nominated for The Showing, The National Theatre.

  • Cecilie Løveid

    Jon Tombre (direction) and Cecilie Løveid (text) were nominated for The Showing, The National Theatre.

  • Toril Goksøyr

    Toril Goksøyr and Camilla Martens were nominated for their direction of OMsorg* (Care), The National Theatre.

    *Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

  • Camilla Martens

    Toril Goksøyr and Camilla Martens were nominated for their direction of OMsorg* (Care), The National Theatre.

    *Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

  • Kjersti Horn

    Kjersti Horn was nominated for her direction of Downfall, The National Theatre.