Mona Levin

Mona Levin (born 1939) is a Norwegian performing arts critic and writer.

She has written several books, among them a biography of Wenche Foss.


(Objekt ID 17508)
Object type Person
Born Navember 19, 1939
Functions Critic
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Member of Norwegian Critics' Association
Adresse Sandefjord, Norway

Mona Levin was nominated for Norwegian Critics' Award for critical text 2013/2014 for her text Carte Blanche serverer samtidsdans uten dans (literally: Carte Blanche serves contemporary dance without dance), Aftenposten, January 21 2014. The award was the first ever to be given out by Norwegian Critics' Association in this category.


Norwegian Critics' Association,, 25.09.2014,

Tilknyttet (1)
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Stian i musikkland Script – Author
Awards - part of jury (1)