The case of Torgersen

The case of Torgersen is a real-life criminal case, in which Fredrik Fasting Torgersen (born 1934) was sentenced for the murder of 16 year old Rigmor Johnsen. December 7 1957 Johnsen was found raped and killed in the street called Skippergata in the city centre of Oslo. Torgersen was sentenced to a lifetime in prison, ten years of which in a special secured facility. He was imprisoned for 16 years.

Torgersen has claimed that he was innocently sentenced, and prominent lawyers and writers have supported him. Several times he has applied for a new trial, but every time the application has been denied.

The case has been the subject of several books and plays.


Store Norske leksikon on the Torgersen case,


(Objekt ID 29563)
Object type Artwork
Work type Event