Boya Bøckman
Boya Bøckman is a video and lighting designer. He is a member of the independent performing arts company De Utvalgte. Boya Bøckman also works freelance for other companies and theatres.
Boya Bøckman is a self-taught video designer and visual artist. He is a member of De Utvalgte, an independent performing arts company established in 1993, but he also frequently collaborates with Fabula Rasa, and was the man behind the video design for Istalia, produced by Fabula Rasa in collaboration with The National Theatre.
He was the video designer for then artistic director Eirik Stubø's presentation of Elfriede Jelinek during The Contemporary Stage Festival 2005, for Jelinek's Ulrike Marie Stuart in 2007, and for Mourning Becomes Electra at The Norwegian Theatre the spring of 2012.
(Objekt ID 936)Object type | Person |
Functions | Visual design, Lighting designer, Film/video maker |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Male | | |
Adresse | Nesodden, Norway |
Website | De Utvalgte |
Boya Bøckman won The Hedda Awards 2012 in the category of best visual design for The Art of Being Tamed by De Utvalge.
The Hedda Jury gave the following reason:
"Stage design is often today the most exciting aspect of many productions, and whether the visual takes a minimalist or maximalist form, the stage image may add an exciting dimension of its own to the performance. At times this year's winner lets his particular talent be led by a chief stage design project, and successfully so. But the winner gets the award for having created a dizzyingly beautiful three-dimensional universe complementing and giving life to a text that is both simple and mysterious, into which the rich, diverse visual expression opens endlessly many free associations.
The best visual design award goes to Boya Bøckman for a theatrical (in the best possible sense of the word) video and light design for De Utvalgte's The Art of Being Tamed at Black Box Teater."
Boya Bøckman and Simon Revholt were nominated for The Hedda Award 2017 in the best audiovisual design category for their contributions to Orlando at Rogaland Theatre, video design and composition respectively.
Boya Bøckman received The Hedda Award 2019 in the best audiovisual design category for his work on The Ship Vol. 5, De Utvalgte, and on Lazarus, The Norwegian Theatre.
The Hedda Jury gave the following reason for the award:
"The award goes to an audiovisual work that is not just an effect, well integrated in the performance, but also an active co-performer and deliverer of terms. The work ranges from the fully staged and directed to experiences of losing direction in one's own life. Moving from the created, studio-inspired stage design as framework, to a scarred quarry, the award winner manages to enter and create cosmic and human universes- as an innovator in his field."
De Utvalgte also received The Hedda Award 2019 in the special artistic achievement category for the production The Ship Vol. 5.
The Hedda Awards, 29.05.2012,
The Hedda Award,,
The Hedda Award,, 16.10.19,
Sceneweb on The Hedda Award,, 16.10.19,
*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.
- De Utvalgte - Film/video maker
Title | Premiere | Role |
aka Macbeth (De UtvalgteTeater Innlandet) | Navember 23, 2023 | Lighting design, Videodesign |
Natten. Kaos. Stillheten (Trøndelag Theatre) | Navember 11, 2023 | Videodesign |
Homage Au Pair (De Utvalgte) | June 21, 2023 | Photo, Clipping |
My Twisted World (De Utvalgte) | September 1, 2022 | Co-creator |
Brannen (The National TheatreDe Utvalgte) | January 22, 2022 | Stage design, Visual design |
Of Mice and Men (The Norwegian Theatre) | Navember 19, 2021 | Video/Film |
Of Mice and Men (The Norwegian Theatre) | May 8, 2021 | Video/Film |
Five performances about death (De Utvalgte) | October 7, 2020 | Performer |
Tangled Up in Blue (The Norwegian Theatre) | October 3, 2020 | Video/Film |
Lazarus (The Norwegian Theatre) | May 11, 2019 | Video/Film |
The Ship Vol. 6 (De Utvalgte) | 2019 | Stage design |
The Ship Vol. 5 (De Utvalgte) | September 15, 2018 | Video/Film, Director’s assistant |
Orlando (Rogaland Theatre) | April 27, 2018 | Videodesign |
The Ship Vol. 3 (De Utvalgte) | March 4, 2018 | Stage design, Video/Film |
The Ship Vol. 4 () | 2018 | Video/Film, Stage design |
Divina (Frilanserne) | September 14, 2017 | Sound design |
Orlando (Rogaland Theatre) | Navember 12, 2016 | Videodesign |
Beginnings (Trøndelag TheatreDe Utvalgte) | September 2, 2016 | Stage design, Video/Film |
Mourning Becomes Electra (The Norwegian Theatre) | 2016 | Video/Film |
Skuggar (De Utvalgte) | March 12, 2015 | Video/Film, Photo, Stage design |
Bang-Bang Club (De Utvalgte) | February 13, 2015 | Stage design, Lighting design, Video/Film |
The Visionary (De Utvalgte) | October 15, 2014 | Video/Film |
BIOS (Ossavy & Kolbenstvedt) | October 24, 2013 | Video/Film |
Faust (The Norwegian Theatre) | October 18, 2013 | Video/Film |
Holocaustmusikalen - Stafylokokktrilogien III (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) | February 8, 2013 | Video/Film |
De Utvalgte* (The Chosen Ones) (De Utvalgte) | Navember 20, 2012 | Video/Film |
Mourning Becomes Electra (The Norwegian Theatre) | April 28, 2012 | Video/Film |
The Art of Being Tamed (De Utvalgte) | October 14, 2011 | Video/Film, Lighting design |
Istialia (Fabula RasaThe National Theatre) | August 27, 2011 | Video/Film |
Drømmen* (The Dream) (De Utvalgte) | February 24, 2010 | Video/Film, Stage design, Lighting design |
The Island (Luna Production) | September 2, 2009 | Video/Film |
Still Life (Gorgon Productions) | April 2009 | Technician, Lighting design, Video/Film |
Skuggar (De Utvalgte) | February 3, 2009 | Video/Film, Photo, Stage design |
The Street Scene (Pia Maria Roll) | September 10, 2008 | Lighting design |
Veras Vinduer* (Vera's Windows) (Fabula Rasa) | May 2, 2008 | Video/Film, Lighting design |
Martefaen* (Fucking Marte) (De Utvalgte) | Navember 22, 2007 | Producer, Video/Film |
Ulrike Maria Stuart (The National Theatre) | September 28, 2007 | Video/Film |
Still Life (Gorgon Productions) | March 15, 2007 | Technician, Lighting design, Video/Film |
Jimmy Young (De Utvalgte) | January 24, 2007 | Stage design, Video/Film, Lighting design, Technician |
MOTOR eller Kundera-variasjoner (Motor or Kundera Variations) (FaktaMorgana) | October 5, 2006 | Lighting design, Video/Film |
may-b remembered (Kari Hoaas Productions) | February 3, 2006 | Lighting design |
Story of O (Hollow Creature) | October 2, 2005 | Lighting design, Video/Film |
Story of O (Hollow Creature) | April 30, 2005 | Lighting design, Video/Film |
Lust, Melancholy (Ning) | April 2005 | Light |
Rambukk (Gorgon Productions) | March 3, 2005 | Lighting design, Video/Film |
The Secret Garden (Fabula Rasa) | January 29, 2005 | Video/Film, Lighting design |
Atlas (Mobile Homes) | December 2004 | Lighting design |
Bang-Bang Club (De Utvalgte) | March 18, 2004 | Stage design, Lighting design, Video/Film |
Bing og Bang – SvaneSang* (Bing and Bang – Swansong) (Bing og Bang ProduksjonerGorgon Productions) | 2004 | Video/Film, Light |
Nightwood (Mobile Homes) | April 26, 2003 | Lighting design |
Mapping 4: Strategy of survival (Mobile Homes) | January 16, 2003 | Lighting design |
Stille Ben (Gorgon Productions) | 2003 | Video/Film, Light |
Dette Stedet* (This Place) (De UtvalgteNorwegian Drama Festival) | June 20, 2002 | Co-creator |
Neighbour-Neighbour (Bing og Bang ProduksjonerGorgon Productions) | 2002 | Video/Film |
All your wrong fascinating poisonous delightful theories (De UtvalgteEnsemble 2000Teater LaikaSalvatore) | Navember 30, 2000 | Performer |
Smugglers (Grenland Friteater) | 1998 | Lighting technician |
Smugglers (Grenland Friteater) | 1997 | Lighting technician |
B.A.D (De Utvalgte) | October 1996 | Light |
Smugglers (Grenland Friteater) | May 29, 1996 | Lighting technician |
Schizo Stories (Carte Blanche) | Navember 2, 1995 | Lighting design, Lighting design |
Schizo Stories (Carte Blanche) | July 26, 1995 | Lighting design, Lighting design |
Smugglers (Grenland Friteater) | June 8, 1995 | Lighting technician |
Flere numre på én kveld? - Krystall - Savn II - Mens gresset gror ... - I mellom - Pytt Pytt Blues - Gåselever (Prosjekt Ungt Blod) | December 2, 1994 | Sound |
Hjem, kjære hjem (Lilith Frisk & Vilt) | September 13, 1994 | Sound |
Divina (Frilanserne) | March 19, 1994 | Sound design |
Glass (Black Box TeaterCollage Dance CompanyLilith Frisk & Vilt) | Navember 19, 1993 | Technician |
Tangent (Fabula Rasa) | Video/Film |