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Forestillingsprogram for Scene7s produksjon De lærde damer (1966). pdf May 23, 1966 Download

Sossen Krohg

Also known as: Sossen Finne Anker Olsen / Sossen Schjelderup

Sossen Finne Anker Krohg (born December 18 1923 in Kristiania, dead 12. Februrary 2016 in Oslo) is a Norwegian actress. She has for the past few years been mostly known as Astrid Anker-Hansen in the soap series Hotel Cæsar broadcasted by TV 2. She interpreted the role until the beginning of April 2010. With her fellow actress Anette Hoff she was awarded an honorary award by the TV awards Gullruten in 2010, due to this.

Sossen Finne Anker Krohg graduated from The Norwegian Theatre's theatre school in 1946 and was immediately hired. She went on to Folketeatret, where she was employed until 1960. In 1966 Sossen Finne Anker Krogh was among the founders of the theatre at famous Club 7 in Oslo. She was employed as theatredirector at the club's stage venue Scene 7 until 1985.


(Objekt ID 5047)
Object type Person
Also known as Sossen Finne Anker Olsen / Sossen Schjelderup
Born December 18, 1923 (dead February 12, 2016)
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Adresse Oslo, Norway

In addition Sossen Krohg has lived and worked in Paris in several periods of her life, and French chansons have become among her specialties.

Sossen Finne Anker Krohg was married to Thorleif Schjelderup from 1940 to 1944, and they had two children together. Later she married the artist Guy Krohg, a grandchild of the painter Christian Krohg and a son of the painter Per Krohg. Sossen and Guy were known as «the last Bohemians». Guy Krogh died in 2002.


Krohg, Sossen: Hekletøy med store hull. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag. Oslo 1986

Norwegian Wikipedia, no.wikipedia.org, 02.08.2010, http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sossen_Krogh


1946: The Norwegian Theatre's theatre school.

Tilknyttet (3)
Artworks (10)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Fredsduene Fred. S. Due og Frue, Mia Due 1980, Script, Children and youth – Author
Sommerfuglen Nydelill og alle de andre 1977, Script, Children and youth – Author
Skinken Nøff og Grynta som ikke ville bli julebord 1975, Script – Author
Professor Tankeløs 1987, Script, Children and youth – Author
Løven Snild kom til Norge Script, Children and youth – Author
Skogrottene Lotta og Rottata som ville flytte til byen 1975, Script, Children and youth – Author
Fargefars fargehjul 1978, Script, Children and youth – Author
Den ungarske folen som kom til Norge 1996, Script, Children and youth – Author
Polly flyr videre 1976, Script, Children and youth – Author
Papegøyen Polly som alle misforstod 1974, Script, Children and youth – Author