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Program for Vinterscenen (2018) pdf 2018 Download

Simone Thiis


(Objekt ID 1262)
Object type Person
Functions Direction
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Website Teater NOVA
Affiliations (5)
Involved in productions (16)
Title Premiere Role
Hilde og Halvard (Ibsen Theatre) Navember 27, 2020 Script, Direction
Da New Age kom til bygda (Simone Thiis produksjoner) September 14, 2019 Playwright, Actor
Tjalve og Roskva* (Tjalve and Roskva) (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) April 11, 2018 Direction
Tjalve og Roskva* (Tjalve and Roskva) (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) March 3, 2018 Direction
Den Japanske Hagen (Theatre NovaCompagnia TPO) January 21, 2017 Actor
Den Japanske Hagen (Theatre NovaCompagnia TPO) December 5, 2015 Actor
Sammen Alene (Theatre Nova) October 10, 2014 Idea, Text, Direction
bALANSe (Theatre Nova) 2014 Direction
Play with guinea fowl (Theatre Nova) September 7, 2013 Actor
Åh, Baby! (The Puppetry Company Kattas Figurteater EnsembleTheatre Nova) Navember 23, 2012 Direction, Dramaturge
Rotswitha (The Puppetry Company Kattas Figurteater EnsembleTheatre Nova) May 31, 2012 Puppeteer, Actor
Paradis* (Paradise/Hopscotch) (Theatre Nova) May 27, 2010 Idea, Direction
Shame on you (Theatre Nova) January 22, 2009 Direction, Producer
Absolutt Frida* (Absolute Frida) (Theatre Nova) January 31, 2008 Actor, Producer
Stormen (Thesbiteatret (The Thesbi Theatre)) June 29, 2006 Actor (Sabina)
Hilde og Erhart* (Hilde and Erhart) (Theatre Nova) May 27, 2006 Direction, Producer
Virginia Woolf - dønninger av et liv* (Virginia Woolf – Waves from a Life) (Theatre Nova) Navember 1, 2002 Actor
Mini (Theatre NovaCompagnia TPO) Performer