Utafor* (Outside)

Digital version

Utafor* (Outside). Digital version (2020) was a digital theatre production by The Norwegian Theatre. Utafor. Digital version was based on experiences from four young persons' lives, formed into a documentary theatre text by Svein Tindberg in collaboration with the ensemble. The digital version was a recording of the theatre production Utafor from 2015. It was made available through The Norwegian Theatre's digital platform at the theatre's website during The Corona crisis the spring of 2020.The recording was openly accessible in the time after it was first released, and the access was free.

Svein Tindberg directed it.

In Utafor, Faten Mahdi Al-HussainiYousef Bartho Al-NahiSiri Marie Seim Sønstelie and Tor Itai Keilen shared their stories from the stage, surrounded by an ensemble of singing and dancing teenagers.

The stage version of Utafor received two awards during The Hedda Award 2018: The production won the award in the best production for youth category, whereas Svein Tindberg, Faten Mahdi Al-Hussaini, Yousef Bartho Al-Nahi, Siri Marie Seim Sønstelie and Tor Itai Keilen were awarded the special artistic achievement award.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 99666)
Object type Production
Premiere April 17, 2020
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
Audience Youth
Language Norwegian, Hebrew and Persian
Keywords Theatre, Documentary, Drama, Performance for youth, Corona-production, Digital production
Running period April 17, 2020  
Duration 1 hour 23:01 minutes

At the website of The Norwegian Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Utafor* (Outside):

"Being outside is to look in on a community you are not part of. Outside is where one finds the darkest hate. That is where the clearest enemy images are created. And that is where, outside, one finds the like-minded.

The production Utafor is based on stories about being on the outside. Yousef attended upper secondary school when he took his first steps into extremism. Loneliness was the reason he went to this community, and they welcomed him warmly.


Utafor builds on the stories of four young persons. Yousef is one of them, the convert from Nøtterøy who in 2015 met Faten in the solidarity ring surrounding the Jewish synagogue in Oslo.

Faten is a Shia Muslim, originally from Iraq. She has clear opinions and has chosen to wear a headscarf, and this has led to her receiving many death threats. Faten and Yousef founded the organisation Just Unity, with the aim of preventing radicalisation of youth. With Siri, one of the survivors from Utøya, and Tor, a Jewish actor from Oslo, they are to share their stories from The Norwegian Theatre's main stage."


The Norwegian Theatre, detnorsketeatret.no, 10.05.2020, https://www.detnorsketeatret.no/framsyningar/utafor

The Norwegian Theatre, detnorsketeatret.no, 02.11.2017, https://www.detnorsketeatret.no/framsyningar/utafor/

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Performance dates
April 17, 2020The Norwegian Theatre, digital offering Opening night