
Iona (2017) was a theatre production by Ferske Scener and Koie, based on a text by Håkon Mathias Vassvik. The production opened in Harstad, during Arctic Arts Festival 2017.

Håkon Mathias Vassvik directed it.


(Objekt ID 98866)
Object type Production
Premiere June 29, 2017
Produced by Ferske Scener,
Coproducers Arctic Arts Festival
Based on Iona by Håkon Mathias Vassvik
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian dialect
Keywords Theatre
Running period June 29, 2017  

At the webpage of Ferske Scener, the following, among other things, is written about Iona:

"When the future becomes too threatening - and it feels impossible to speak up - escaping may seem as a fair solution. That is what The Bible's Jonah, the unwilling prophet, does. But down in the belly of Leviathan, it doesn't feel as right...

In this performance, we try to see the battle for power over the Northern region's ocean resources from a place deep down in the ocean. In a time where the realities of science and politics seem to split up, we search for ways to see ourselves and our time and age, so that we can keep our courage.

We want to examine a space where we can, together, cleanse and get ready for what is to come. A place where we, like Jonah, are the chosen ones, as we know we are drawn between the solutions of the past and the disasters of the future."


Ferske Scener,, 03.04.2020,

Contributors (15)
Name Role
Håkon Mathias Vassvik – Text
Håkon Mathias Vassvik – Direction
Kristin Eriksen Bjørn – Dramaturge
Anastasia Glukhova – Stage design
Anastasia Glukhova – Video/Film
Andreas Daugstad Leonardsen – Video/Film
Amund Sjølie Sveen – Sound design
Tobias Leira – Lighting design
Bernt Bjørn – Actor
Karl Flyman – Actor
Sulekha Ali Omar – Actor
Amund Sjølie Sveen – Actor
Tale Hendnes – Photo
Tobias Leira – Video technician
Annika Ostwald – Producer
Performance dates
June 29, 2017  (Arctic Arts Festival) Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Arctic Arts Festival June 29, 2017
Press coverage

Anki Gerhardsen, Nordlys (four pips on the dice):

"Iona is a playful, surprising performance with a clear reference to The Bible's story of the prophet Jonah."

Rikke Gürgens Gjærum, Harstad Tidende (five pips on the dice):

"We have long been subject to a 'fat fiction that someone is in control'. The theatre performance Iona goes between the words, sticks pins in tribute speeches and pulls us beneath the surface of the ocaen, to tell us that the whole thing is a lie. And that everything is out of control."