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Forestillingsprogram for Den Norske Opera & Balletts produksjon A Swan Lake (2016). pdf May 27, 2016 Download

A Swan Lake


(Objekt ID 95255)
Object type Production
Premiere April 26, 2014
Produced by The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet
Based on Swan Lake by Peter Tsjaikovskij, Marius Petipa, Lev Ivanov
Audience Adults
Keywords Ballet
Running period April 26, 2014  
Contributors (16)
Name Role
Alexander Ekman – Choreography
Per Kristian Skalstad – Musical direction
Mikael Karlsson – Music
Alexander Ekman – Stage design
Henrik Vibskov – Costume design
Todd Rives – Video/Film
Michael Atkinson – Musical arrangement
Mikael Karlsson – Musical arrangement
Alexander Ekman – Sound design
Mikael Karlsson – Sound design
Tom Visser – Lighting design
Elisabeth Teige – Singer (The Diva)
Christopher Kettner – Other (Prøveleder 2014)
Ana Maria Lucaciu – Other (Prøveleder )
Mikael Karlsson – Musical direction (2022)
Ana Maria Lucaciu – Choreogreographic Assistant
Performance dates
June 1, 2022Hovedscenen, Den Norske Opera & Ballett, The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet Season premiere/Seasonal opening
March 29, 2017Théatre des Champs Élysées, Paris visiting performance
May 27, 2016Hovedscenen, Den Norske Opera & Ballett, The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet Season premiere/Seasonal opening
April 26, 2014Hovedscenen, Den Norske Opera & Ballett, The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet Worldwide premiere