White Nigger # Black Madonna

White Nigger # Black Madonna (2018) is a multimedial performing arts production by Sort/Hvid and The Nielsen Movement, based on a concept by Claus Beck-Nielsen (as Madame Nielsen) and Christian Lollike. The production was performed at Cornerteatret during Bergen International Festival 2018.

Christian Lollike directed it.

Madame Nielsen AKA Claus Beck-Nielsen performs it.

White Nigger # Black Madonna is performed in Danish, with certain parts in English.


(Objekt ID 85534)
Object type Production
Produced by Sort/Hvid, The Nielsen Movement
Language Danish and English

At the website of Bergen International Festival the following, among other things, is written about White Nigger # Black Madonna**:

"The white woman lives her white life. (It is safe, it is good, it is boring). The white woman no longer wants to be white. (White is death. Black is life). The white woman transforms into Beyoncé and begins to sing. It works! She transforms into Martin Luther King and speaks to the world. It grows! She becomes the Black Madonna, a saint, a prostitute, a priest, a warrior. (Wow!) She cries 'black lives matter'and fight alongside her black sisters. (Traitor!) The war of the races breaks out. In your city. Now!

This new, race exterminating play has its world premiere in Copenhagen in April. Madame Nielsen - Danish author, performance artist and dame extraordinaire - promises songs, viral music videos and much more. The madame has grown out of the multimedia life work which started as Claus Beck-Nielsen and has since taken the form of Das Becwerk and now Sister Nielsen.

Playwright and instructor Christian Lollike is the artistic director of the theatre Sort/Hvid, and has been featured at the Bergen International Festival with several controversial productions in recent years."


Bergen International Festival, 06.04.2018, www.fib.no, http://www.fib.no/en/Programme/?TLp=1282380

**The Norwegian language text and the English language text from Bergen International Festival differ some. In this entry, Sceneweb.no quotes each text as it is at the Bergen International Festival webpage. As a result, the Norwegian and the English text do not correspond in full. This also explains the use of "race exterminating" in the English-language text.

Contributors (7)
Name Role
Claus Beck-Nielsen – Text
Claus Beck-Nielsen – Concept/Idea
Christian Lollike – Concept/Idea
Christian Lollike – Direction
Claus Beck-Nielsen – Music
Ida Marie Ellekilde – Stage design
Claus Beck-Nielsen – Performer
Performance dates
June 1, 2018Cornerteateret (Bergen International Festival) visiting performance
May 31, 2018Cornerteateret (Bergen International Festival) visiting performance
Festivals (1)