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Forestillingsprogram for Rogaland Teaters produksjon 3. august 1964 (2018) pdf April 26, 2018 Download

3. august 1964* (August 3 1963)

3. august 1964* (August 3 1964) (2018) is a theatre production by Rogaland Theatre, the world premiere of a play by Tore Renberg. The opening took place in the venue Intimscenen, Rogaland Theatre.

Arild Østin Ommundsen directed it.

Gretelill Tangen plays the title role.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 85216)
Object type Production
Premiere April 26, 2018
Produced by Rogaland Theatre
Based on 3. august 1964* (August 3 1963) by Tore Renberg
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period April 26, 2018  —  September 27, 2018
Duration Approximately one hour
Website Rogaland Teater

At the webpage of Rogaland Theatre the following, among other things, is written about 3. august 1964* (August 3, 1964):

"Tore Renberg is known for his deep care for the character galleries of his plays, and 3. august 1964 is no exception. This time, he brings us back to the 1960es, a time when 'the silent stories' had fertile growing conditions and 'the sake of privacy' was sacrosanct.

We meet the two characters, the formal Lydia and her curious grandchild, named Dordi. August 3 the year of 1964 starts with Lydia being called into work, which is inconvenient, as she is supposed to take care of her grandchild, who has the flu, this day. The dilemma finds no solution, and Dordi nags her grandmother until she is allowed to come to work with her.

We follow Lydia and Dordi for an hour this day; a trembling, downstated and life-transforming hour during which everything opens up to them both. After this, Dordi's world will never be the same.

Through a generous, beautiful description of a startling event, Renberg draws a respectful portrait of the fragility of our lives, of the restrictions in our near past, and the conversations that can open between people when we least expect it.

Head of Rogaland Theatre, Arne Nøst, has long wanted to produce a production with Gretelill Tangen in the lead, and now his wish is fulfilled, realised due to a gift from the bank Sandnes Sparebank. Nøst has hired local artistic resources, who has approached the assignment with great enthusiasm. Tore Renberg has written the script for 3. august 1964, and Arild Østin Ommundsen is ready to stage it. On the team we also find actress Mareike Wang, Gretelill's partner onstage."


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 05.04.2018

Rogaland Theatre, www.rogaland-teater.no, 05.04.2018,  http://www.rogaland-teater.no/program/3-august-1964

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (15)
Name Role
Tore Renberg – Playwright
Arild Østin Ommundsen – Direction
Thomas Dybdahl – Music
Stig Håvard Dirdal – Visual design
Arne Nøst – Stage design
Berit Karin Idsøe – Costume
Trygve Andersen – Lighting design
Gretelill Tangen – Actor
Mareike Bechtel Wang – Actor
Jill Tonje Holter – Mask design
Kari Hillesund – Props
Wenche Solgård Andresen – Props
Åsmund Skretting Austvoll – Stage manager
Stig Håvard Dirdal – Photo
Elisabeth Fjermestad – Prompter
Performance dates
April 26, 2018 19:00 – Intimscenen, Rogaland Teater, Rogaland Theatre Worldwide premiere