Tore Renberg

Norwegian author Tore Renberg born 1972, made his literary debut in 1995. Tore Renberg's novel The Man Who Loved Yngve was made into a movie in 2008, and instantly became a major success in Norwegian cinemas. Renberg is also a musician and a literary critic. He lives in Stavanger on the west coast of Norway.

Source: Wikipedia,, 18.08.2010,


(Objekt ID 1358)
Object type Person
Functions Author
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Website Tore Renberg
Involved in productions (11)
Title Premiere Role
Tollak til Ingeborg (Teater Vestland) September 28, 2023 Dramatised by, Author
Tante Jane* (Aunt Jane) (The Norwegian Theatre) March 14, 2019 Playwright
Heim 2* (Home 2) (Det Vestnorske Teateret) February 21, 2019 Script
Indianeren (Rogaland Theatre) May 25, 2018 Playwright, Direction
3. august 1964* (August 3 1963) (Rogaland Theatre) April 26, 2018 Playwright
Indianeren (Rogaland Theatre) May 10, 2017 Playwright, Direction
Femti flotte år med Frode Kommedal (Rogaland Theatre) Navember 4, 2015 Playwright, Direction
Sonny (Rogaland Theatre) Navember 7, 2012 Text
Sonny (Rogaland Theatre) Navember 11, 2011 Text
Trillefolket* (The Rolling People) (Teater Joker) October 26, 2006 Author, Consultant
Hando Kjendo (Teater Joker) August 9, 2003 Playwright
Hasse Karlsson avslører (Rogaland Theatre) March 14, 2003 Translation
Offentlige netter* (Public Nights) (Det Motsatte Prosjekt) May 21, 1997 Text
Artworks (8)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Trillefolket - hva hendte med Kjartan?* (The rolling people - what happened to Kjartan?) Script, , – Author
Sonny 2011, Script, Musical theatre – Author
Indianeren Script – Author
3. august 1964* (August 3 1963) Script – Author
Hando Kjendo Script – Author
Femti flotte år med Frode Kommedal Script – Author
Tante Jane* (Aunt Jane) Script – Author
Tollak til Ingeborg 2020, Script – Author