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Program for Ferske Scener's production We Raise Our Heads in Shame (2010) pdf June 19, 2010 Download

We Raise Our Heads in Shame

We Raise Our Heads in Shame (2010) was an opera production by Ferske Scener, based on a script by Kristin Eriksen Bjørn, with some contributions by Bjørn Are Dypås. The first part of the production was a playful opera, whereas the second was an interactive meeting with the audience. The premiere took place at Arctic Arts Festival 2010.

Kristin Eriksen Bjørn and Jon Tombre directed it.


(Objekt ID 8362)
Object type Production
Premiere June 19, 2010
Produced by Ferske Scener
Coproducers Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting (NCNP), The Arctic Theatre, Arctic Arts Festival
Based on We Raise Our Heads in Shame by Bjørn Are Dypås, Kristin Eriksen Bjørn
Audience Adults, Youth
Audience size 668
Number of events 16
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Musical theatre, Opera, Song, Music
Running period June 19, 2010  
Duration 90 minutes
Website Ferske Scener, Dramatikkens hus, Hålogaland Teater

At the webpafe of Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting (NCNP) the following, among other things, is written about We Raise Our Heads in Shame:

"With We Raise Our Heads in Shame, Ferske Scener invites the audience to take part in an absurd and strange journey into a musical universe, in which the artists steal as ravens from all they find purpose in, from fairytales and encyclopaedias, political quotes and commercial slogans. With buckets of self-depreciation they bring the audience along on a theatrical dugnad in which the aim is to rebuild the meaning behind the term of democracy - people governing."

Supported by: Arts Council Norway, The Fund for Performing Artists, the freedom of expression foundation Fritt Ord, Arctic Arts Festival's touring organisation


Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting, dramatikkenshus.no, 05.11.2010, http://dramatikkenshus.no/pub/dramatikkenshus/Innhold/Kalender/?aid=1139&cid=768#dramatikkenshus

Ferske Scener, ferskescener.no, 13.12.2012, http://www.ferskescener.no/vi_hever_vaare_hoder_i_skam/cms/219

The National Library of Norway, performance program digitised by The National Library of Norway, transferred to Sceneweb 21.10.2015

The Arctic Theatre, halogalandteater.no, 08.08.2017, http://halogalandteater.no/produksjon/2010/vi-hever-vare-hoder-i-skam

Festivals (1)
Arctic Arts Festival June 19, 2010