Veras Vinduer* (Vera's Windows)

Veras Vinduer* (Vera’s Windows) (2008) by Fabula Rasa was a production about not feeling at home. Nowhere, not even at home. With Veras Vinduer, Fabula Rasa has created children’s performance about the very closest and pretty far-fetched things.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 751)
Object type Production
Premiere May 2, 2008
Produced by Fabula Rasa
Coproducers Grenland Friteater
Based on Veras Vinduer* (Vera's Windows) by Nina Ossavy, Marius Kolbenstvedt
Audience Families (from 8)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Multimedia, Physical theatre, Theatre of the absurd, Music, Epic Theatre, Performance for the Family
Running period May 2, 2008  
Website Black Box Teater

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

Vera is 10 years old and searching for happiness. She feels left and lonely even though she lives in the middle of a large family. But at home there is an eternal chaos with Wagner or Dolly Parton playing at the highest volume among constant noise from brothers and parakeets.

Vera has one thing helping her in her search for happiness. Her camera. Through people’s windows she takes their photos, especially if they look happy. One day she is discovered by a man who isn’t too happy being photographed in his dressing robe.

Veras Vinduer was theatre in the tradition of absurd kitchen table realism. The performance mixed visual, musical and physical elements with classical stage texts.

Veras Vinduer by Fabula Rasa is supported by the Arts Council Norway, The Cultural Rucksack, the Audiovisual Fund and the Fund for Performing Artists.

Source 1: Fabula Rasa,, 29.07.2010,

Source 2:Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival,, 29.07.2010,

Performance dates
April 10, 2011Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
April 9, 2011Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
March 15, 2009 17:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
March 14, 2009 17:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
September 19, 2008Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
June 17, 2008 Show
June 16, 2008 Show
May 2, 2008 Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

Andreas Soltvedt, 03.05.2008, review titled Ellevilt og litt trist for familien (literally: Madcap and a bit sad for the family), Varden,, 30.06.2011,
"For ten year old Vera, played by Runhild Olsen, the salvation is photographing. She photographs through windows, taking pictures of the people behind the windows. While Mom and Dad at home are warring each other, with legs planted in each their world, Wagner against Dolly Parton. No wonder Vera feels alone. Two extrovert brothers she also has. They aren’t exactly seen by their parents either. The result is a lonely life. Though with hope glued to the heart. At least, that’s how the audience sees it. And Vera eventually manages to open the eyes of her mother. While the tears pressured their way through the corner of the eye. Yes, in the eye of this reviewer, too."

The production also set off an expansive debate on the webpage about the conditions for performing arts for children and the lack of critic/reviews/reflection around such.