Herøya 1943 (Grenland Friteater) |
June 6, 2023 |
Director’s assistant |
YGGDRASIL (Nina Ossavy) |
June 15, 2022 |
Concept/Idea, Performer |
Herøya 1943 (Grenland Friteater) |
June 1, 2022 |
Director’s assistant |
Stedsans 2021 (Grenland Friteater) |
September 15, 2021 |
Actor |
Døden kommer ikke med ljå* (Death does not come with a scythe) (Nina Ossavy) |
May 2, 2020 |
Direction, Idea, Script |
Sangen blir borte (Nina Ossavy) |
February 9, 2020 |
Main producer, Actor, Playwright |
Døden kommer ikke med ljå* (Death does not come with a scythe) (Ossavy & Kolbenstvedt) |
April 6, 2019 |
Text, Direction, Idea |
Bopera () |
May 3, 2018 |
Direction |
Bopera () |
September 15, 2017 |
Direction |
Jorda er klodens hud (Nina Ossavy) |
February 27, 2017 |
Direction, Script, Actor |
Fortellinger om Friteatret (Grenland Friteater) |
December 15, 2016 |
Actor |
DARK MOUNTAIN (Ossavy & Kolbenstvedt) |
February 12, 2016 |
Author |
Still In Silence (Ossavy & Kolbenstvedt) |
January 24, 2014 |
Direction, Room, Direction, Concept/Idea, Performer, Script |
BIOS (Ossavy & Kolbenstvedt) |
October 24, 2013 |
Direction, Text, Performer, Concept/Idea, Research, Stage design, Video/Film |
Kameratklubben* (The Club of Comrades) (Fabula RasaKompani OKOssavy & Kolbenstvedt) |
May 5, 2012 |
Direction, Script, Actor |
Istialia (Fabula RasaThe National Theatre) |
August 27, 2011 |
Stage design, Script, Direction |
The Exception and the Rule (Fabula Rasa) |
Navember 24, 2010 |
Direction, Performer |
Kameratklubben* (The Club of Comrades) (Fabula RasaKompani OKOssavy & Kolbenstvedt) |
April 16, 2009 |
Direction, Script, Actor |
Evilution? (FaktaMorgana) |
February 10, 2009 |
Actor |
Sense of Place IV (Grenland Friteater) |
September 1, 2008 |
Actor (Engel: En engel har hørt – et eller annet sted – at det er så fint å bo i Grenland!) |
Veras Vinduer* (Vera's Windows) (Fabula Rasa) |
May 2, 2008 |
Stage design, Direction, Script, Idea |
Sense of Place III (Grenland Friteater) |
August 29, 2007 |
Playwright, Actor (Elveblest – Et redningsforsøk), Actor (Porsgrund Bad) |
Sense of Place II (Grenland Friteater) |
September 3, 2006 |
Performer, Performer, Concept/Idea |
The Secret Garden (Fabula Rasa) |
January 29, 2005 |
Direction, Idea, Video/Film, Script |
Politics of objects (Karstein Solli Productions) |
January 29, 2004 |
Performer |
Bing og Bang – SvaneSang* (Bing and Bang – Swansong) (Bing og Bang ProduksjonerGorgon Productions) |
2004 |
Actor, Playwright |
Dette Stedet* (This Place) (De UtvalgteNorwegian Drama Festival) |
June 20, 2002 |
Co-creator |
Neighbour-Neighbour (Bing og Bang ProduksjonerGorgon Productions) |
2002 |
Actor, Production manager |
Drømmeland (Grenland Friteater) |
December 31, 1999 |
Actor |
Jappene (Grenland Friteater) |
June 8, 1999 |
Actor |
Hotell Ibsen (Grenland Friteater) |
August 28, 1998 |
Actor |
Fri and Frank (Grenland Friteater) |
April 14, 1997 |
Actor (Fri) |
En rosenkål for mye (Grenland Friteater) |
December 2, 1996 |
Actor |
Dopa Lax (Grenland Friteater) |
Navember 16, 1995 |
Actor |
Øyeblikkets Evighet (Grenland Friteater) |
June 11, 1995 |
Actor |
Gode tider - for de onde (Grenland Friteater) |
March 2, 1995 |
Actor |
Tangent (Fabula Rasa) |
Performer, Direction |
Vilja (Blendwerk) |
Actor |