Mäns Rödskagg

Mäns Rödskägg by Västenå Teater, directed by Leif Stinnerbom: A saga about a boy looking for a post as a trainee, ending in the claws of The Evil personified. One of the many men of The Evil is Mäns Rödskägg, taking upon himself to educate the boy, but instead the boy disappears without trace. The despairing parents sense something wrong and the father embarks on a search for his son.

In Mäns Rödskägg we follow the battle between the boy and The Evil. The winner will be who displays the most ingenuity and strength.


(Objekt ID 7140)
Object type Production
Premiere Navember 8, 2008
Produced by Västanå Teater
Audience Children
Keywords Performance for children, Music, Theatre
Website Twist festival 08, Västanå Teater

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

The saga of Mäns Rödskäg was told in the scenic expression having made Västanå Teater sought-after in Sweden and Norway throughout decades. With music, dance, costumes and masks the theatre asked its audience into a magic stage setting, the Yurt, a Mongolian nomad tent in which time and room ceased to exist and the options of the imagination were endless.

Mäns Rödskäg by Västanå Teater was performed during the festival Twist 08, in collaboration between Det Åpne Teater (The Open Theatre), The Norwegian Touring Theatre and Nordic Black Theatre.

Source: Twist festival 08, twist08.no, 11.10.2010, http://twist08.no/pub/twist/detapneteater/?aid=117#twist

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Leif Stinnerbom – Direction
Magnus Stinnerbom – Music
Inger Hallström Stinnerbom – Costume
Jakob Hultcrantz Hansson – Actor
Hanna Kulle – Actor
Ola Hertzberg – Musician (Nøkkelharpe)
Sophia Stinnerbom – Musician (Fiolin)
Torbjörn Alström – Mask design
Lars Jacob Jakobsson – Photo
Performance dates
Navember 9, 2008Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
Navember 9, 2008Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show
Navember 8, 2008Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) National premiere, Norway
Navember 8, 2008Hallen, The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater) Show