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Forestillingsprogram for Den Nationale Scenes produksjon Jeppe på Bjerget (2017). pdf March 23, 2017 Download

Jeppe of the Hill

Jeppe of the Hill (2017) was a theatre production by The National Stage, based on the play by Ludvig Holberg.The production was performed at the theatre's main stage.

Frede Gulbrandsen directed it.

Erik del Barco Soleglad played the title role.


(Objekt ID 69908)
Object type Production
Premiere March 23, 2017
Produced by The National Stage
Based on Jeppe on the Hill by Ludvig Holberg
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Comedy
Running period March 23, 2017  
Website DNS


The National Stage, dns.no, 23.01.2017,  http://www.dns.no/program/2017/jeppe-paa-bjerget/

Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 23.01.2017

Performance dates
March 23, 2017 20:00 – Store Scene, The National Stage Opening night