The Accidental Pervert

The Accidental Pervert (2016) is a monologue theatre production by Prologo, based on the autobiographical play by Andrew Goffman. The production had its premiere at the culture centre Lillestrøm Kultursenter, prior to going on tour.

Jostein Kirkeby-Garstad translated and directed it.

Odd-Magnus Williamson, also known as Odda Williamson, performs the monologue.

The Prologo production used the Norwegian title Min pappas porno (literally: My daddy's porn). Jostein Kirkeby-Garstad had staged the same monologue for Agder Theatre in 2015, at the time using the title Plutselig Pervo (literally: Suddenly a perv).


(Objekt ID 67445)
Object type Production
Premiere September 16, 2016
Produced by Prologo
Based on The Accidental Pervert by Andrew Goffman
Language Norwegian
Running period September 16, 2016  
Contributors (6)
Name Role
Andrew Goffman – Playwright
Jostein Kirkeby-Garstad – Translation
Jostein Kirkeby-Garstad – Direction
Joakim Foldøy – Visual design
Fredrik S. Baden – Sound design
Odd-Magnus Williamson – Actor
Performance dates
September 15, 2017Oslo Nye Centralteatret Show
February 13, 2017Scandic Meyergården  (Vinterlys) Show
September 16, 2016Teatersalen, Lillestrøm Kultursenter Opening night
Festivals (1)
Vinterlys February 13, 2017
Press coverage

Lillian Bikset, Bekjennelser fra egobloggens tid (literally: Confessions in the age of the ego-blog), Dagbladet September 16 2016:

"TV comedian and movie actor Odd-Magnus 'Odda' Williamson makes his theatre debut in the role. He playacts, like many who are new to the theatre, for the spectators at the backmost row - with grand gestures and correspondingly clear use of voice. His diction is pedagogically clear, the emphasis on keywords pointed, and the timing, mostly, sure. There are only a few exceptions when he becomes impatient in his punchlines. Williamson manages to perform rather consequent in his role, and the tiny breaks there are from it, will likely disappear, be evened out, shortly, after a few more run-throughs with audience in the room. (...) The Accidental Pervert has been performed in Norway once before, as Plutselig pervo at Agder Theatre in 2015. Then, too, Jostein Kirkeby-Garstad translated it, adjusted it and directed it. He has adjusted for Norwegian circumstances, with Norwegian names and geographical names, and with time markers matching the 1980es in Norway. Even though the previous title is closer to the original's meaning, Min pappas porno fits it better. For 'porn' is not the keyword to this performance. The emphasis is on 'my daddy'."