Cunts Going Knowhere

Cunts Going Knowhere (2002) was the first theatre production of the Bergen-based company NONcompany.


(Objekt ID 665)
Object type Production
Premiere February 8, 2002
Produced by NONCompany
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen
Based on Cunts going knowhere by Hjørdis Lehre
Audience Youth, Adults (from 15)
Language English
Keywords Theatre, Post-dramatic theatre
Running period February 8, 2002  
Website NONcompany

The play Cunts Going Knowhere is written by the playwright Hjørdis Lehre.

The play is shaped in the kind language and with the kind of rhythmic drive that could have been appropriately expressed through vocal pop.

Thematically the text is a raw, unsentimental look at love and sexuality, followed by illusions and disillusion.

Lise Risom Olsen had for the production Cunts Going Knowhere gathered an ensemble which was fresh as a constellation, but consisting of persons who had, each on their own, already become figures in national media.

Lise Risom Olsen is an actress with broad experience within performing arts. Heidi Marie Vestrheim is a singer known from the band Atakama, who worked at her first solo record at the time of the theatre production (2002). Pedro Carmona-Alvarez is a writer and musician, playing in the band Sister Sonny among other things.

With different perspectives and instruments the performers attacked the stage text. The dramaturgical drive of the text was opposed by different musical and vocal voices. The symbiosis of monologue, pop, dialogue and poetry broke with expectations to artistic etiquette in regard to communication and reception ability.

Let us imagine how a theatre text can work as a pop song and a text criticising society at the same time. Then let us imagine the audience standing, sitting, silent, extrovert, happy, angry or horny. Why are there people - anyone at all - who feel that they master such a context? Why is it not allowed to be a little frightened?

The fear underlines that one as a spectator has to invest something, a something becoming at stake in an artistic bet, in which the winnings are ruined expectations and broken illusions. Just what one feared. NONcompany can take this investment.


BIT Teatergarasjen, spring program 2002.

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Hjørdis Lehre – Playwright
Lise Risom Olsen – Direction
Elin Cecilie Haugen – Instruction
Pedro Carmona-Alvarez – Music
Lena Lundsten Buchacz – Stage design
Kjetil Bjøreid Aabø – Sound design
Hans Jaran Skogen – Lighting design
Lise Risom Olsen – Actor
Heidi Marie Vestrheim – Actor
Performance dates
March 9, 2002Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
March 8, 2002Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
February 10, 2002BIT Teatergarasjen Show
February 9, 2002BIT Teatergarasjen Show
February 8, 2002BIT Teatergarasjen Opening night
Press coverage

Siri Økland, BT 09.02.2002:

"With pulsating beat and playful, searching, angry dialogues, the filled-to-the-brim auditorium of Teatergarasjen was charmed all the way. Atakama singer Heidi Marie Vestrheim and performance artist Lise Risom Olsen have joined forces with Pedro Carmona-Alvarez from Sister Sonny and made a very exciting production based on Hjørdis Lehre's text Cunts Going Knowhere".