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Sesongprogram for Den Nationale Scene vår og høst 2014. pdf December 2013 Download

Reksten - firmaets mann* (Reksten - man of the firm)

Reksten - firmaets mann* (Reksten - man of the firm) (2014) was a theatre production by Den Nationale Scene. The production was based on a text by Yngve Sundvor, about the case against Hilmar Reksten.

Yngve Sundvor directed it.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 63459)
Object type Production
Premiere January 11, 2014
Produced by The National Stage
Based on Reksten - firmaets mann* (Reksten - man of the firm) by Yngve Sundvor
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Documentary
Running period January 11, 2014  
Duration 135 minutes

At the webpage of The National Stage the following, among other things, is written about Reksten - firmaets mann* (Reksten - man of the firm):

"The Reksten case is known as the biggest economic crime case in Norwegian history. From celebrity status as one of the richest men in the world, the Bergen shipping magnate Hilmar Reksten was accused of economic crime of the worst kind. While the Norwegian state lost billions because the Reksten shipping houses were unable to pay, the bankruptcy estate claimed that there could be as much as a billion Norwegian kroner hidden in secret trusts abroad.

The case against Hilmar Reksten was among the most written-about in the press and media from the middle of the 1970es until the end in 1990.

Every eye was on the court in Bergen, but did the Bergeners have a sense of justice of their own? Was there, between the mountains, a wish that the city's great son shouldn't be sentenced, even though he had swindled Norway?

Yngve Sundvor has examined the hours before the sentence was to be given. In a dark and absurd universe, we meet a Bergen family who has enjoyed knowing Reksten. During the night, the pressure on the shipping magnate's trusted workers increases, and at the end, it is impossible to know who is a friend and who is an enemy."


The National Stage, 04.03.2014, http://www.dns.no/program/2014/reksten-firmaets-mann/

The National Stage's repertoire database, donated by The National Stage, 24.06.2016

Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 26.11.2013

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Performance dates
January 11, 2014Store Scene, The National Stage Opening night