Stigen, kisten og byråkratene* (The Ladder, the Chest and the Bureaucrats)

Stigen, kisten og byråkratene* (The Ladder, the Chest and the Bureaucrats) by Stigespillerne is about five bureaucrats' meeting with an object which is not supposed to be present according to their forms. Hence they try to prove it doesn't exist.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 6288)
Object type Production
Premiere 1998
Produced by Stigespillerne
Audience Children
Language Norwegian
Keywords Street theatre
Running period 1998  

For the audience the object in Stigen, kisten og byråkratene* (The Ladder, the Chest and the Bureaucrats) by Stigespillerne seems like a ladder, but it is totally unknown for the five bureaucrats. They try to climb it, they measure it and make notes. A little later they discover another object. For the audience this object seems to be a chest, but for the five bureaucrats the object is unknown and possibly dangerous. The object turns out to be filled with balls, clubs and similar objects the bureaucrats in a theatrical manner weirdly enough manage to juggle with after only a few attempts. It makes them so happy they smile and laugh until their boss calls to order them back to work. Eventually they deny the objects' existence.


*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (14)
Name Role
Lars Voss Sørhus – Text
Peter Cripps – Direction
Per Christian Holck – Co-creator
Margareth Hosøy – Co-creator
Elisabeth Lahr – Co-creator
Line Paulsen – Co-creator
Lars Voss Sørhus – Co-creator
Erlend Danielsen (from 1998 to 1998) – Actor
Per Christian Holck – Actor
Margareth Hosøy – Actor
Hanne Karlsen (from 1998 to 1998) – Actor
Elisabeth Lahr (from 2001) – Actor
Line Paulsen (from 2001) – Actor
Lars Voss Sørhus – Actor
Performance dates
2001 New opening
1998 Opening night