FunnySorry (2003) was a production by Baktruppen.

Wearing identical bald old male masks Baktruppen wondered why modernism isn't mentioned in any of the main encyclopaedias. And then there was a recreation of Adam and Eve and the Fall of Man.

FunnySorrywas a sequel to the performance Funny. Yet again the audience sat inside Baktruppen's facilities while Baktruppen performed out in the street.

Art means nothing. No one has understood modernism. Baktruppen explains.


(Objekt ID 6094)
Object type Production
Premiere September 26, 2003
Produced by Baktruppen
Audience Adults
Number of events 2
Language Norwegian
Keywords Street theatre, Installation, Musical theatre, Post-dramatic theatre, Performance, Theatre, Comedy, Concert, Work-in-progress
Running period September 26, 2003  —  September 27, 2003
Website Baktruppen

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

At the webpage of Baktruppen the following, among other things, was written:


At first I claimed that nobody understands modernism, and that this misunderstanding almost kill people like us because - I have to begin from the beginning.

Most people talking about modernism in art, mean Italian futurism. They talk about the kind of art always trying to get away from tradition to seem young, new, contemporary, fresh and in tune with the future.

They talk about art denying the past.

They talk about artists who cut their legs of - with the purpose of running faster and longer.

The modernists mostly did the opposite of what it is said and written that they did.

The modernists chose traditions with a larger geographical range stretching longer back in time than the artists coming before and after them, and they searched for new artistic laws to be valid for all these traditions. They probably had a bit too high ambitions in trying to find these aesthetic laws through approximately scientific methods. Thus they experimented, and found new art forms, but they did this to understand the past, not to break away from it.

Why do I fuss about this?

Because artists who always seek the new run away from their art on shorter and shorter legs in a room shrinking because society around it keeps building alliances needing an increasing amount of space. And art is put in a corner the artists defend with their own lives because they understood modernism as a kind of puerile and senile romanticism from which they could learn to forget.

Do you know that in the major encyclopaedias like the German Brockhaus, the French Larousse, the English Encyclopaedia Britannica, the American and so on not one word is mentioned about the art direction/epoch called 'modernism'? It is hard to create art corresponding to one's age when it always has to build on forgetfulness and memory loss, but it becomes easier if we refer to it as post-modernist, because it is easy to renew oneself if nobody remembers what you did the last time around.

That was about as far as I got before I got stuck, as in a TV debate, and I had to run and said 'F, were going, Eh!'."


Baktruppen,, 05.09.2010,

The archive of Baktruppen, donated by Baktruppen. 04.03.2011

Contributors (6)
Name Role
Øyvind Berg – Co-creator
Ingvild Holm – Co-creator
Jørgen Knudsen – Co-creator
Per Henrik Svalastog – Co-creator
Bo Krister Wallström – Co-creator
Worm Winther – Co-creator
Performance dates
September 27, 2003Dæhlenenggata 31 Show
September 26, 2003Dæhlenenggata 31 Worldwide premiere