Peer Gynt

Peer Gynt (1978) was a theatre production by Rogaland Theatre, based on the play by Henrik Ibsen. The production was performed at the theatre's main stage.

Kjetil Bang-Hansen directed it.

Jan Grønli interpreted the title role.

In addition to the run in Stavanger, the production toured Eastern Norway, including a visiting performance at Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre), and it was performed during the international theatre festival in Belgrade (BITEF) and at the Gavella theatre in Zagreb.


(Objekt ID 53479)
Object type Production
Premiere February 25, 1978
Produced by Rogaland Theatre
Based on Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Audience size 20518
Number of events 56
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period February 25, 1978  
Website Nasjonalbiblioteket


Rogaland Theatre's repertoire archive, donated by Rogaland Theatre, 24.01.2018

Karlsen, Torodd et al.: Provinsteater i sentrum: teatret i Stavanger 1883-1982 (literally: Provincial theatre in the centre: the theatre in Stavanger 1883-1982), Universitetsforlaget, Stavanger, 1983

The National Library of Norway, performance program digitised by The National Library of Norway, transferred to Sceneweb 13.08.2015,, 06.07.2016

Performance dates
February 25, 1978Hovedscenen, Rogaland Teater Opening night
1978 Show
Festivals (1)
Press coverage

Steinar Wiik, February 1978, Aftenposten [Oslo]: 
"But I wonder if this production at Rogaland Theatre can have almost as much significance in our perception of what Peer Gynt may be - it is likely the most important staging of the play in Norway the past 30 years."

Alf Aadnøy, February 1978, Stavanger Aftenblad [Stavanger]:
"Recreated under the direction of Kjetil Bang-Hansen, Peer Gynt has become mentally, wondrous theatre. From this production you go shaken to your innermost core, but also lifted, enriched and with greater knowledge of human beings. I have never seen a richer or stronger performance of Peer Gynt."

Erik Pierstorff, February 1978, Dagbladet [Oslo]:
"It should not be reserved for Stavanger. If any production is to reach a larger audience to show what Norwegian theatre is able of in this jubilee year, it should be this. A visiting performance in Oslo should not be a demand. It should be taken for granted."

Slobodan Selenic, theatre critic in Politica Express, Yogoslavia, said the following in conversation with Stavanger Aftenblad:
"I have always agreed with Ibsen himself that the play was impossible to perform. But this production has proven that it is possible. That was the first positive surprise with this visiting performance."