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Sesongprogram for Nationaltheatret vår 2015. | January 2015 | Download |
Morning and Evening
Morning and Evening (2015) was a monologue theatre production by The National Theatre, based on the novel by Jon Fosse, in a theatrical adaption by Hildegun Riise. The production was performed in the theatre's venue Amfiscenen (the Amphi Stage).
Hildegun Riise directed it.
The text was performed by Anne Marit Jacobsen.
(Objekt ID 46180)Object type | Production |
Premiere | March 18, 2015 |
Produced by | The National Theatre |
Based on | Morning and Evening by Jon Fosse |
Audience | Adults |
Language | Norwegian Nynorsk |
Keywords | Theatre, Monologue |
Running period | March 18, 2015 |
Duration | 80 minutes |
Website | Nationaltheatret |
"Jon Fosse's critically acclaimed novel Morning and Evening is about Johannes. About his birth, life and death - a tour of how it is to be an individual on earth. We step into the world of Johannes the way he did it, through his birth and the moment he is released from his mother. In his entrance to life - morning - and exit - evening - we meet the experiences and reflections a person has regarding life and death. For this is a performance about the great universal themes, about faith, doubt, friendship, loneliness, longing, fear and love.
Actress Anne Marit Jacobsen carries a strong love to Jon Fosse's literature - and this love now brings the novel to the stage. The direction is by Fosse's fellow villager Hildegun Riise. Jacobsen and Riise approach Fosse's poetic landscape in dialogue with newly composed music by fiddler Benedicte Maurseth. Morning and Evening is one of Anne Marit Jacobsen's many monologue performances at The National Theatre, performances that have delighted critics as well as audiences.
From great literature one learns how to die, not to live, Jon Fosse has stated. And from Morning and Evening we may do both. The novel got great reviews when it was published in 2000. It was selected among the 25 best Norwegian novels from the past 25 years and was nominated for Nordic Council's Literature Prize."
Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 19.01.2015
The National Library of Norway, performance program transferred to Sceneweb 31.05.2018
The National Theatre, http://www.nationaltheatret.no/Morgon+og+kveld.b7C_wRrU0H.ips
Name | Role |
Jon Fosse | – Author |
Hildegun Riise | – Dramatised by |
Hildegun Riise | – Direction |
Benedicte Maurseth | – Music |
Olav Torbjørn Skare | – Dramaturge |
Åse Ljones | – Stage design |
Ingrid Tønder | – Stage design |
Ingrid Tønder | – Costume design |
Klaus K Kottmann | – Video/Film |
Ingrid Tønder | – Video/Film |
Sven Erga | – Sound |
Ingrid Tønder | – Lighting design |
Anne Marit Jacobsen | – Actor |
Benedicte Maurseth | – Musician |
Wibke Schuler | – Mask design |
Mone Rustøy | – Props |
Pål Grønli | – Stage manager |
Hans R. Jarn | – Stage Manager |
Ryan Bourne | – Lighting supervisor |
Hanne Marte Griffiths | – Lighting supervisor |
Ingvil E. Toft | – Costume production supervisor |
Karoline Husjord | – Prompter |
Margrethe Aaby | – Producer |
Linda Braseth | – Dresser |
Jan Lier | – Administration (Markedsansvarlig) |
Elisabeth Sødal | – Administration (Informasjonsansvarlig) |
March 18, 2015 19:30 – Amfiscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre | Opening night |