Little Eyolf

Little Eyolf (2015) was a theatre production by Trøndelag Theatre, based on the play by Henrik Ibsen.

The director is Kjersti Haugen.

Renate Reinsve and Kenneth Homstad acted in the roles of Rita and Alfred Allmers.


(Objekt ID 44941)
Object type Production
Premiere February 7, 2015
Produced by Trøndelag Theatre
Based on Little Eyolf by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period February 7, 2015  
Website Trøndelag Teater

At the website of Trøndelag Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Little Eyolf:

"Alfred Allmers returns home earlier than expected, from a hiking trip several weeks long, with glowing visions and eager to realise them. This - and that he has put away a large writing project - surprises both his wife Rita and his sister Asta. His son Eyolf is mostly glad daddy is home.

But then something happens to put the familiar family life into a new perspective: Everything that has formerly been hidden deep beneath the surface becomes visible, slowly but surely. In the meeting with death honesty and openness become unavoidable. How do they handle this? Can they go on living together? Is it possible to remove 'what gnaws' in the house without leaving a void?"


Import from the list of openings 09.12.2014

Trøndelag Theatre,, 10.12.2014,

Performance dates
February 7, 2015Gamle Scene, Trøndelag Teater Opening night