
Home is a theatre production by Ibsen Theatre, produced in 2014, and based on the play by David Storey.

Stein Winge directs it.


(Objekt ID 43326)
Object type Production
Premiere October 22, 2014
Produced by Ibsen Theatre
Based on Home by David Storey
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period October 22, 2014  

At the website of Ibsen Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Home:

"Four persons meet in a home.

Two women and two men (SIC; three men, Sceneweb's comment).

Little do we know about them; more when the play is over, but definitely far from everything.

Why they are there is a main issue, and apparantly they can't leave the area."


Ibsen Theatre, www.teateribsen.no, 07.10.2014 http://www.teateribsen.no/index.php?page_id=3121

Contributors (10)
Name Role
David Storey – Playwright
Stein Winge – Direction
Solfrid Kjetsaa – Stage design
Solfrid Kjetsaa – Costume design
Erik Spets Sandvik – Lighting design
Marcus Jovani Igland – Actor (Alfred)
Kari Onstad – Actor
Ola Otnes – Actor
Sylvia Salvesen – Actor
Jan Ø. Wiig – Actor
Performance dates
October 22, 2014Sal 2, Teater Ibsen, Ibsen Theatre Opening night