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Season program Black Box Teater the autumn of 2014 pdf August 2014 Download
Sesongprogram BIT Teatergarasjen vår 2014 pdf January 2014 Download

Some Use for Your Broken Clay Pots

Some Use for Your Broken Clay Pots is a solo performance by and with Christophe Meierhans (BE).

The production was performed at Black Box Teater as part of Ultima 2014.


(Objekt ID 41416)
Object type Production
Premiere April 11, 2014
Coproducers , Workspace Brussels, , Teatro Maria Matos, BIT Teatergarasjen, KunstenFestivalDesArts
Audience Adults
Keywords Theatre, Multidisciplinary
Running period April 11, 2014  —  September 14, 2014
Website Black Box Teater

At the website of Black Box Teater the following, among other things, is written about Some Use for Your Broken Clay Pots:

"As a speculative piece of fiction this one man performance aims to give insight into possible futures, though providing the underlying codex for life in an imagined society. Some Use for Your Broken Clay Pots is structured as a debate between the Swiss-born, Brussels-based artist Christophe Meierhans and the spectators, about a suggestion for a fictional constitution. He presents elements of what this democratic system is, and tries to convince the audience that his alternative is better than any other. Even more of the constitution is revealed as the spectators ask questions and criticise him."

Supported by: The Flemish Community Commission and the Flemish government.


Balck Box Teater, blackbox.no, 11.08.2014, http://www.blackbox.no/content/titlePresentation.php?tid=2312

Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 11.08.2014

Contributors (3)
Name Role
Christophe Meierhans – Concept/Idea
Christophe Meierhans – Performer
Christophe Meierhans – Main producer
Performance dates
September 14, 2014 21.00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) (Ultima) Show
April 12, 2014 19.00 – Studio USF, USF Verftet Show
April 11, 2014 19.00 – Studio USF, USF Verftet National premiere, Norway
Festivals (1)
Ultima September 14, 2014