I tykt og tynt* (Through thick and thin)

I tykt og tynt* (Through thick and thin) (1955) was a revue production by Edderkoppen Teater. I tykt og tynt was performed in the venue Teatersalen, Edderkoppen Teater.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 40521)
Object type Production
Premiere February 2, 1955
Produced by Edderkoppen Teater
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Revue
Running period February 2, 1955  


Digitalt Museum, digitaltmuseum.no, 24.06.2014, http://digitaltmuseum.no/things/oslo-21011955-edderkoppen-revyen-i-tykt-og/NF/NFDB.26953-657?query=kari+diesen&js=1&search_context=1&count=16&pos=7

Writers' Guild of Norway, research material for the book Ord/Kjøtt. Norsk scenedramatikk 1890 – 2000 (literally: Word/meat. Norwegian drama for the stage 1890-2000) by Ivo de Figueiredo, 12.03.2013