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Forestillingsprogram for Det Norske Teatrets produksjon Vildanden (1968) pdf 1968 Download

The Wild Duck

The Wild Duck (1968) was a theatre production by The Norwegian Theatre, based on the play by Henrik Ibsen. It was staged in The Norwegian Theatre's facilities at the time, in Stortingsgaten.

Tormod Skagestad directed it.

Pål Skjønberg acted in the role of Gregers Werle.

Espen Skjønberg acted in the role of Hjalmar Ekdal.

Unni Evjen acted in the role of Hedvig Ekdal.

This was one of the rare occasions in which the Skjønberg brothers took part in the same production.


(Objekt ID 40119)
Object type Production
Premiere January 18, 1968
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
Based on The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Audience size 19349
Number of events 51
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period January 18, 1968  


Einar Dahl's private archive, donated by Einar Dahl, 29.10.2014

Performance dates
January 18, 1968Teaterlokalene i Stortingsgaten 16 Opening night