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Program for Grenland Friteaters produksjon Lukta av penger (2014) pdf June 3, 2014 Download

The Smell of Money

The Smell of Money is a wandering theatre production by Grenland Friteater, based on characters by Kjartan Fløgstad, and produced in 2014.

Tor Arne Ursin directed it.

The performance took place in and in the area surrounding Du Verden Maritime Museum in Porsgrunn. Divided into seven stations the company told a story about capitalism and ideals in Norway and Peru.


(Objekt ID 39942)
Object type Production
Premiere June 3, 2014
Produced by Grenland Friteater
Based on Fyr og flamme by Kjartan Fløgstad
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Wandering Theatre
Running period June 3, 2014  —  June 14, 2014
Duration Approximately two hours
Website Grenland Friteater

At the webpage of Grenland Friteater the following, among other things, is written about The Smell of Money:

"The Smell of Money is Grenland Friteater's new production - in the tradition after Smugglers, Rough Trade and The Flight. It is a spectacular two hour outdoors wandering in exciting surroundings around Du Verden Maritime Museum in Porsgrunn.

Before the nose used to itch in meeting with Grenland workplaces, but this is just a memory today. In this modern fairytale we follow the inscrutable ways of capitalism around the globe, from Porsgrunn to Peru - to places where the smell still makes the nose itch. Through harbour areas, jungle and big city slums we travel before we end near a shiny new factory.

But who have we turned into underway? Which side are we on?

Whereas we have earlier discussed the tremendous changes at home in Norway during the past century, this time we discuss our own role in the globalised world of today.

How does the meeting with the violent, class-divided Latin American reality affect our own democratic, socially egalitarian ideology? Are the ways of capitalism really that inscrutable?"


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 02/06-2014

Grenland Friteater, www.grenlandfriteater.com, 06.06.2014, http://grenlandfriteater.com/aktuelle-forestillinger/lukta-av-penger/

Festivals (1)
Press coverage

Lillian Bikset, Dagbladet, Byggeklosser til skepsis (literally: Building blocks for scepticism), 04.06.2014:

"The character gallery consists of clearly characterised types, created to be seen through, and (also in the tragic scenes) roughly drawn and full of humour. Often characteristics and lines have been borrowed from the caricature, in a personal twist on commedia dell'arte, updated to modern conditions.(...) Political naivety is a recurring theme for The Smell of Money: The political naivety growing out from romanticising revolutions, growing out from use of power of one's own, growing out from ideological blindness. "