A Doll's House

A Doll's House was a theatre production by The Norwegian Theatre, produced in 1966, and based on the play by Henrik Ibsen. The production was performed in the facilities the theatre used at the time, in Stortingsgaten.

Tormod Skagestad directed it.

Monna Tandberg interpreted the role of Nora.


(Objekt ID 39812)
Object type Production
Premiere February 26, 1966
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
Based on A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Number of events 153
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period February 26, 1966  

The spring of 1967 The Norwegian Theatre's production of A Doll's House visited Helsinki, Stockholm, Gothenburg and several other cities in Sweden.

Next it was performed as a visiting performance in Kiel and Dortmund, Germany, before visiting Gdansk, Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, Moscow and Leningrad.


Einar Dahl's private archive, donated by Einar Dahl, 29.10.2014

Ibsen.nb.no, http://ibsen.nb.no/id/36193

The National Library of Norway, performance program transferred to Sceneweb 21.10.2015.

Performance dates
October 1968Teaterlokalene i Stortingsgaten 16 New opening
August 25, 1966Store Scene, The National Stage visiting performance
April 15, 1966Teaterhuset Munken, Larvik Tour Premiere
February 26, 1966Teaterlokalene i Stortingsgaten 16 Opening night