The face of the city


(Objekt ID 33297)
Object type Production
Premiere August 30, 2005
Produced by The National Theatre, The Norwegian Theatre
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period August 30, 2005  
Website Nationaltheatret
Contributors (19)
Name Role
Aasne Linnestå – Text
Rune Christiansen – Text
Wetle Holtan – Text
Trude Marstein – Text
John Erik Riley – Text
Gunnar Wærness – Text
Runar Hodne – Direction
Kjetil Skøien – Direction
Emmanuella Akpan – Actor
Nina Andreassen – Actor
Gisken Armand – Actor
Erland Bakker – Actor
Heidi Goldmann – Actor
Ulrikke Greve – Actor
Unn Vibeke Hol – Actor
Ryan Hust – Actor
Besim Jakupi – Actor
Merete Moen – Actor
Tove Arna Lewin – Producer
Performance dates
Festivals (1)