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Program for Trøndelag Teaters produksjon Vildanden (2007) pdf October 27, 2007 Download

The Wild Duck

The Wild Duck was a theatre production produced by Trøndelag Theatre in 2007, based on the play by Henrik Ibsen.

Anne-Karen Hytten directed it and won The Hedda Award 2008 in the category of best direction.

Pål Christian Eggen acted in the role of Gregers Werle.

Ola G. Furuseth acted in the role of Hjalmar Ekdal.

Gunnhild Sundli acted in the role of Hedvig Ekdal.


(Objekt ID 29003)
Object type Production
Premiere October 27, 2007
Produced by Trøndelag Theatre
Based on The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period October 27, 2007  

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason for the direction award to Anne-Karen Hytten:

"The winner of the year has long experience from Norwegian theatre, making her debut as a director almost 30 years ago. The winner also has written, processed, translated and dramatised theatre texts for children and adults. In this age of director's theatre - not to put that down! - this year's production is the best proof that classics can be renewed and reinterpreted entirely without spectacular outer effects: A director who with her heart and brain listens to the playwright, emphasises the original text and knows how to convey her insight to the actors. More than that it doesn't take.

The direction award of the year goes to Anne-Karen Hytten for her glowing, feminine new reading of Ibsen's The Wild Duck at Trøndelag Theatre the autumn of 2007."

Grethe Nordberg was nominated for The Hedda Award 2008 in the category of best leading actress for the role of Gina.


The Hedda Award

Trøndelag Theatre

Performance dates
October 27, 2007Gamle Scene, Trøndelag Teater Opening night