Julio's Labyrinths

Julio's Labyrinths is a production by Eilertsen & Granados. The production is inspired by the life and work of the Argentinean writer  Julio Cortázar.


(Objekt ID 27366)
Object type Production
Premiere 2011
Produced by Eilertsen & Granados Teaterkompani
Audience Adults
Keywords Theatre, Physical theatre
Running period 2011  
Website Eilersten & Granados Teaterkompani

Eilertsen & Granados writes the following about Julio's Labyrinths:

"Julio's Labyrinths is like a showcase, through which the audience can glance into the world of Cortázar. Three persons take the spectators into Cortázar's fragmented, strange universe.

In the performance not just one story is told, but many, like a journey around the day in 80 worlds. The apparently predictable reality of everyday life is twisted and turned.

They meet around a table, where a journey is started. During the journey the persons wander from character to character in Cortázar's life and writing. Instructions are given on how to walk up stairs and how to cry. We meet them as suppressed citizens under a dictatorship. They are introduced to the real Ceferino Piríz' suggestions on how the world society should be organised."


Eilertsen & Granados, eilertsen-granados.com, 09.03.2012


Contributors (11)
Name Role
Andreas Eilertsen – Concept/Idea
Cristina Granados – Concept/Idea
Andreas Eilertsen – Direction
Cristina Granados – Direction
Andreas Eilertsen – Music
Cristina Granados – Music
Ole-Thomas Kolberg – Music
Kjersti G. Andvig – Stage design
Andreas Eilertsen – Actor
Cristina Granados – Actor
Ole-Thomas Kolberg – Actor
Performance dates
Festivals (1)