2 Antigone

2 Antigone is a theatre production by tg STAN. In it, the Belgian company performs two versions of Antigone, one after the other, written by Jean Cocteau and Jean Anouilh respectively.


(Objekt ID 25321)
Object type Production
Produced by tg STAN
Coproducers , ,
Based on Antigone by Jean Cocteau; Antigone by Jean Anouilh
Audience Adults
Language English and French
Keywords Theatre
Running period May 15, 2001  
Website tg STAN

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In the spring program of BIT Teatergarasjen 2003, it is written about 2 Antigone by tg STAN that Cocteau's version from 1922 is "short, powerful and in heroic style, as known from the ancient tragedies", whereas Anouilh's version from 1944 is "more human, with connotations of disillusionment and desperate existentialism".


BIT Teatergarasjen, spring program 2003.

Contributors (12)
Name Role
Jean Anouilh – Playwright
Jean Cocteau – Playwright
Thomas Walgrave – Stage design
An D´Huys – Costume design
Thomas Walgrave – Lighting design
Natali Broods – Actor
Jolente De Keersmaeker – Actor
Tine Embrechts – Actor
Tiago Rodrigues – Actor
Frank Vercruyssen – Actor
Bernaded Dexters – Photo
Lise Risom Olsen – Assistant
Performance dates
April 9, 2003BIT Teatergarasjen visiting performance
April 8, 2003BIT Teatergarasjen visiting performance