Croquis Event

Croquis Event is a series of productions by Boxiganga Performance Teater. Croquis Event was performed from 1992 to 1995, and each event had a number and a subtitle.

These were: Croquis EventCroquis Event no. 2: Langer, Croquis Event no. 3: Trafik, Croquis Event no. 4: KontrastCroquis Event no. 5: Art of ArtCroquis Event no. 6: VanArt, Croquis Event no. 8, Croquis Event no. 9: BarokCroquis Event no. 10.

There is no Croquis Event no. 7 on the list, and numbers 8 and 10 were without subtitles.


(Objekt ID 24948)
Object type Production
Premiere 1992
Produced by Boxiganga Performance Teater
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance, Noh-theatret, Multidisciplinary
Running period 1992  —  1995
Duration 3 hours
Website Boxiganga

Through Croquis Event Boxiganga Performance Teater wanted to examine the theatrical and visual process onstage. The company tested how the body, moving through different rooms, create different visual sculptures.

The performers wore costumes restricting the movement, or they were forced to interact with different objects to give the audience a sculptural, room-like expression to watch. Croquis Event was staged like a workshop, and the members of the audience were invited to bring equipment to draw, paint or photograph.

In the production program from BIT Teatergarasjen the following is written about Croquis Event:

"The meditative condition established in Croquis Event opens to reflect over aspects associated with the terms time and place. The audience is in this universe invited to bring what they need to draw or paint, and to use this during the performance."


Boxiganga,, 25.11.2011,

Program Croquis Event, 1994, BIT Teatergarasjen

Contributors (5)
Name Role
Ellen Johannesen – Performer
Joan Nielsen – Performer
Kjell Yngve Petersen – Performer
Kjell Yngve Petersen – Producer
Karin Søndergaard – Producer
Performance dates
April 20, 1994 10:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
April 19, 1994 19:30 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
1992 Worldwide premiere