as if death was your longest sneeze ever

as if death was your longest sneeze ever was the third production by Hooman Sharifi/Impure Company.

In this production Impure Company worked with the following questions, among others: What am I part of? How do I want to participate? What is my responsibility? What is my role? Do I have to choose sides?


(Objekt ID 24732)
Object type Production
Premiere October 10, 2002
Produced by Impure Company/Hooman Sharifi
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen, , Springdance
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance
Running period October 10, 2002  

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

as if death was your longest sneeze ever by Hooman Sharifi/Impure Company aims to be political.

"Art equals politics", Sharifi says. He expresses his involvement through the medium of dance. Hooman Sharifi and Impure Company use an expression not regulated anything but a consciousness there is no such thing as a grey zone. The terms of art are empty if they do not include activity, dialogue, confrontation, sincerity or involvement in society. With both feet planted as firmly in political interest as in the art he makes his audience react to, Hooman Sharifi has wanted to create a production as stubborn, controversial and interesting as his previous productions.

as if death was your longest sneeze ever had its world wide premiere during the festival Oktoberdans 2002 and it was later presented several places in Norway and the rest of Europe.

In 2004 the production was performed as a wished-for repeat performance at BIT Teatergarasjen, at the time in a developed version.

The title as if death was your longest sneeze ever is from the Finn Iunker play The Answering Machine.


BIT Teatergarasjen, spring program 2004. 19.11.2011:

Contributors (7)
Name Role
Hooman Sharifi – Direction
Hooman Sharifi – Choreography
Lucas Condro – Dancer
Peder Horgen – Dancer
Hooman Sharifi – Dancer
Hooman Sharifi – Dancer
Kristine Slettevold – Dancer
Performance dates
May 9, 2004 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
May 8, 2004 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 11, 2002 22:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 10, 2002 21:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Oktoberdans October 10, 2002