
Quartett is a production made by Rosas and tg STAN in collaboration. Quartett was written by Heiner Müller.


(Objekt ID 24559)
Object type Production
Premiere May 20, 1999
Produced by Rosas, tg STAN
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen
Based on Quartet by Heiner Müller
Audience Adults
Language English and Dutch
Keywords Dance, Dance theatre, Theatre
Running period May 20, 1999  

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

Rosas and tg STAN visited BIT Teatergarasjen with Quartett in 1999. In the performance program the following is written:

"What is the most seductive: Beauty in combination with innocence or beauty in combination with evil? Those who know Heiner Müller's Quartett will most likely answer the latter, for rarely has sexuality in all its cruelty been described as elegantly and daring as it is here."

In the spring program for 1999 BIT Teatergarasjen writes the following about Quartett:

"In 1997 the idea for a collaborative effort between two of the leading Belgian companies within ballet and the art of acting arouse - Rosas and tg STAN. (...) Quartett is a play about the age of decline directly preceding the French revolution, written by the German writer and playwright Heiner Müller.

Here we meet Valmont and Merteuil who are about to commit murder by poison. The two mix roles and betray each other. The material builds on European execution scenes from the 17th and 18th century. The production is a meeting with two of the most important directions within post-modern theatre."

Heiner Müller's Quartett is called Quartet in English translation, but tg STAN and Rosas used the title Quartett also when performing the English-language version of the production. The production also exists in a Dutch-language version.


Spring program 1999, BIT Teatergarasjen

Performance program, 1999, BIT Teatergarasjen

Contributors (4)
Name Role
Heiner Müller – Playwright
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker – Other
Frank Vercruyssen – Other
Jolente De Keersmaeker – Main producer
Performance dates
May 22, 1999 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
May 21, 1999 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
May 20, 1999 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)