'Night, Mother

'Night, Mother was a theatre production staged by Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre) in 2011, based on the play by Marsha Norman.

Marika Enstad played the role of the daughter, Marit Østbye the role of the mother.

The Norwegian Touring Theatre produced the Norwegian tour of the same production in 2012.


(Objekt ID 21448)
Object type Production
Premiere September 7, 2011
Produced by Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)
Coproducers The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)
Based on 'Night, Mother by Marsha Norman
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period September 7, 2011  

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes
Contributors (11)
Name Role
Marsha Norman – Playwright
Øystein Ulsberg Brager – Translation
Jon Tombre – Direction
Katja Ebbel – Stage design
Katja Ebbel – Costume design
Chrisander Brun – Lighting design
Marika Enstad – Actor (Datteren)
Marit Østbye – Actor (Moren)
Julie A. Clark – Mask design
Tina Pedersen – Stage manager
Didi Stig – Prompter
Performance dates
March 7, 2012Bakkenteigen kulturhus, Horten Tour Premiere
September 7, 2011Oslo Nye Centralteatret Opening night