BARON VON MUNCHHAUSENS elleville kanonkuleferd, sanseløse bønnestengelmåneklatring og andre halsbrekkende SANNHETER!* (Baron von Munchhausen's madcap cannon ball journey, senseless beanstalk moon climbing and other breakneck truths!)

In BARON VON MUNCHHAUSENS elleville kanonkuleferd, sanseløse bønnestengelmåneklatring og andre halsbrekkende SANNHETER!* (Baron von Munchhausen's madcap cannon ball journey, senseless beanstalk moon climbing and other breakneck truths!) (2009) by Teater Joker allowed the children to meet Baron von Munchhausen; a bragging man of the best, or the worst, kind.

He has flown on cannon balls, drawn himself up of the quagmire by the skin of his neck, closed a hole in a sinking boat with his buttocks, fallen all the way through the Earth and said hello to the god Vulcanus, climbed to the moon on a beanstalk and a lot, A LOT, more. 

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 171)
Object type Production
Premiere September 2, 2009
Produced by Teater Joker
Coproducers The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater)
Audience Children (from 8 to 13)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Physical theatre, Performance for children
Running period September 2, 2009  —  2013
Website Teater Joker, Det Åpne Teater

Requirements to venue

Minimum stage width 4m
Maximum stage width 5m
Minimum stage depth 4m
Maximum stage depth 5m
Minimum stage height 3m
Blackout Yes
Rigging time 90 minutes
Downrigging time 45 minutes
Audience 150

The baron's burlesque bragging and bravados were as made for the universe of Teater Joker, in which the playing human and the imagination of children stands central. The baron travels, to the Moon, to Russia, to Turkey, in the most incredible ways. In BARON VON MUNCHHAUSENS elleville kanonkuleferd, sanseløse bønnestengelmåneklatring og andre halsbrekkende SANNHETER!* (Baron von Munchhausen's madcap cannon ball journey, senseless beanstalk moon climbing and other breakneck truths!) five bodies created the baron's world and five voices created his universe of sound.

By the way, Von Munchhausen has lived for real. He was a German gentleman and anecdotal storyteller. Today his tales are considered part of classic literature.

The production has toured expansively with The Cultural Rucksack in Norway, and visited several festivals, including the TRETE festival in Sweden (2010), in Iran (2011) and in China (2012).

The production won an award for best international performance during the theatre festival in Hamedan, Iran (The 18th International Theatre Festival for Children and Young Adults).

BARON VON MUNCHHAUSENS elleville kanonkuleferd, sanseløse bønnestengelmåneklatring og andre halsbrekkende SANNHETER! by Teater Joker was supported by Arts Council Norway, The Fund for Performing Artists, The Audio Visual Fund, SEANSE and The Norwegian Actors' Equity Association's fund for freelancers.


The Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater),, 30.09.2010,

Festivals (1)
Press coverage

Anette Therese Pettersen, Poetisk røverhistorie*, 03.09.2009, Dagsavisen [Oslo], 30.09.2010,

"After near twenty years of enterprise within performing arts, Teater Joker has established as a company with a particular acting style. 'Cartoon mime' they call it, and personally I can't come up with a more covering description. To begin with Teater Joker's performances are 'naked theatre': Five actors in an otherwise empty stage room. Instead the props are built into the actors' costumes and movement language, and what the room may lack is elegantly filled in by the actors. The year is 1756, something the actors’ imagination rich and timely costumes also witness, and the action starts with the preparations to a wedding between an Earl and his chosen one."

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.