Heart of the Dream

The theatre performance Heart of The Dream was a story in chronological reverse, made by Grenland Friteater. Grenland Friteater embarked on a journey to Telemark during three different spans of time. From our own future information and dream society the audience was brought to the outskirts of Hardangervidda a century ago and eventually to the centre of the largest and most violent peasant uprising ever to take place in Norway’s history, in Western Telemark in 1540.


(Objekt ID 1566)
Object type Production
Premiere June 12, 2004
Produced by Grenland Friteater
Audience Adults
Number of events 21
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Physical theatre, Light comedy/slapstick, Comedy, Tragedy
Running period June 12, 2004  
Website Grenland Friteater

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In Heart of the Dream by Grenland Friteater the audience followed a small group of people on a journey to the heart of Telemark, also the heart of the Norwegian traditional folk culture. But the audience also travelled back in time to the time of the Norwegian’s rule’s fall.

In the company of seven strong personalities, representatives for the peasants and the authorities, fighters and dreamers, violinists and wise men, Grenland Friteater searched for the roots of the poem Draumkvedet (The Dream Poem) originating in Telemark. The aim was to show its symbolic value within Norwegian culture and literature history.

The Dream Poem is part of the foundation for the Norwegian national identity and a holy text for Christians, folklorists, speakers of New Norwegian, Olympics’ leaders and other nationalists.The poem also represents the opposite of the theory of the dream society: An open wound marking a near unwritten chapter in the Norwegian history book; a warrior poem about independence and faith in the time prior to and around Reformation.

Source: Grenland Friteater, grenlandfriteater.com, 17.08.2010, http://www.grenlandfriteater.com/show_details.asp?ID=1036

Contributors (16)
Name Role
Tor Arne Ursin – Text
Tor Arne Ursin – Script
Tor Arne Ursin – Direction
Guttorm Guttormsen – Composition
Guttorm Guttormsen – Music
Ulla Ryum – Dramaturge
Zoe Christiansen – Stage design
Zoe Christiansen – Costume
Jean Vincent Kerebel – Lighting design
Geddy Aniksdal – Actor
Anne-Sophie Erichsen – Actor
Olav Hanto – Actor
Tommy Henriksen – Actor
Vibeke Lie – Actor
Lars Vik – Actor
Vidar Ytre-Arne – Actor
Festivals (1)