Space Oddity

Space Oddity is NONcompany’s remix of David Bowie’s well-known song lyrics. Space Oddity was written by Bowie after he had seen Stanley Kubrick’s 2001- A Space Odyssey and this performance is a tribute to the song and film as well as to every oddity in this world.


(Objekt ID 1560)
Object type Production
Original title Space Oddity
Premiere August 17, 2004
Produced by NONCompany
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen
Based on Space Oddity by David Bowie; 2001: en romoddyssé by Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Kubrick
Audience Youth, Adults (from 15)
Language Norwegian and English
Keywords Multidisciplinary, Musical theatre, Performance, Theatre, Science fiction
Running period August 17, 2004  —  May 1, 2005
Website NONcompany

Space Oddity by NON Company takes place in Ground Control. Here are general advice, evocative landscapes of sound, references to 1970es space aesthetics and intricate choreographies.

NONcompany’s play springs out from Ground Control of the lyrics of Space Oddity, which can be a metaphor for any place where daily life consists of routines, rules and control. In the production the company examines the nature of control. Who controls who and what is controlled are less important. The production Space Oddity also contains thoughts and observations regarding general rules and norms.

The text is characterised by the cut and paste method and plays a double role in Space Oddity, both as a set of messages or advice to the audience and as irony over what modern humans are concerned with. The text switches between being emphasised to being part of the sound image.

Space Oddity is a continuation of NONcompany’s orientation within a theatre expression that has proved it captures a young and curious audience, a live expression with emphasis split between stage design, video, acting, choreography, text and not least music.

Space Oddity was the third full production by NONcompany and it was directed towards a broad audience, including people who don’t usually visit the theatre, by using a familiar text and music as carrying elements. The production was co-produced by BIT Teatergarasjen and had its premiere there in August 2004.

Source: NONcompany. 19.07.2010:

Contributors (15)
Name Role
Lise Risom Olsen – Text
Lise Risom Olsen – Instruction
Kjetil Bjøreid Aabø – Music
Lena Lundsten Buchacz – Stage design
Merethe Strømmen – Costume
Hans Jaran Skogen – Video/Film
Kjetil Bjøreid Aabø – Sound design
Hans Jaran Skogen – Lighting design
Kjetil Bjøreid Aabø – Performer
Lena Lundsten Buchacz – Performer
Lise Risom Olsen – Performer
Hans Jaran Skogen – Performer
Lars Ove Toft – Performer
Lars Ove Toft – Stage manager
Tone Iren Myklatun – Producer
Performance dates
May 1, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
April 30, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
April 29, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
August 20, 2004BIT Teatergarasjen Show
August 19, 2004BIT Teatergarasjen Show
August 18, 2004BIT Teatergarasjen Show
August 17, 2004BIT Teatergarasjen Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

"Space Oddity, the way it was performed in Teatergarasjen yesterday, is a holistic, uncompromised, playful performance, filled with humour. (...) Bowie’s provocative lifestyle and image piqued the respectability in many countries. NONcompany’s Space Oddity lacks that particular dimension. In return the desire to cry of joy over a young and enthusiastic cast who make a production without compromises in the age of Idol is great. The next time I will bring a handkerchief."

Astrid Kolbjørnsen BT 18.08.2004.