Ibsen Goes Brazil

Ibsen goes Brazil by Klovholt & Kahn (Norge/Brasil). The whole race is on the wrong track; that is the trouble. H. Ibsen We ask; are we, really? Because in the end when things falls apart, when one fall into the water and feel drowned, there is no solid thing to reach for but the children.


(Objekt ID 1523)
Object type Production
Premiere October 19, 2005
Produced by Klovholt & Kahn
Coproducers an aufbauproject, Rosendal Teater
Based on The Lady from the Sea by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults, Youth (from 13)
Number of events 10
Language Norwegian, English and Portuguese
Keywords Theatre, Post-dramatic theatre, Drama
Running period September 22, 2004  —  Navember 22, 2005

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

Our starting point for the play - performance Ibsen goes Brazil takes place in a closed neighbourhood menagerie by the sea somewhere remote, We radiate around the three couples made up by Ellida Wangel and Doctor Wangel, Bolette Wangel and Mr. Arnholm, Hilde Wangel and the sculptor Lyngstrand. When one day the story of a stranger is being told a carefully constructed universe of « seemingly » and « beliefs » is threatened. Are these characters seen as cross - overs who signals a desire to return to nature in their many forms and wishes? Or are they acting out the animal instinct of the closed society around them ? Either way the case of dressing up in a make-believe craze, colours the decision making about their/our world. Therefore the simple long standing philosophical question of the craze of humanity and what is that craze within the humanity? Is the Ibsenesque theme of determinism of humanities soul sickness.

Contributors (13)
Name Role
Henrik Ibsen – Playwright
Anne Regine Klovholt – Adapted by
Patricia Fagundes – Translation
Catherine Kahn – Concept/Idea
Anne Regine Klovholt – Concept/Idea
Catherine Kahn – Direction
Anne Regine Klovholt – Direction
Nicholas Hope – Actor
André Mubarack – Actor
Tiago Pirajira – Actor
Morten Traavik – Actor
Liane Venturella – Actor
Ana Paula Zanadréa – Actor
Performance dates
Navember 22, 2005Alhamra Cultural Complex Show
Navember 21, 2005Alhamra Cultural Complex Show
October 30, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
October 29, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
October 25, 2005Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
October 24, 2005Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
October 23, 2005Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
October 20, 2005 21:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen (METEOR) Show
October 19, 2005 21:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen (METEOR) National premiere, Norway
September 22, 2004Porto Alegre em Cena Opening night
Festivals (1)
METEOR October 19, 2005