A Doll´s House


(Objekt ID 145597)
Object type Production
Premiere September 1, 2023
Produced by Plexus Polaire
Coproducers , , Nordland Visual Theatre, Bærum Kulturhus, Nordland Theatre, Le Bateau Feu/Scène Nationale Dunkerque, , , , Teater Innlandet
Based on A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen
Audience Adults, Youth (from 14)
Language English
Keywords Puppetry, Performing arts
Website Plexus Polaire
Performance dates
June 13, 2024 19:00 – Store Sal, Bærum Kulturhus Show
June 12, 2024 19:00 – Store Sal, Bærum Kulturhus Show
February 18, 2024 19:00 – Kirsten Flagstad salen, Hamar Kulturhus Show
February 17, 2024 19:00 – Kirsten Flagstad salen, Hamar Kulturhus Show
February 16, 2024 19:00 – Kirsten Flagstad salen, Hamar Kulturhus Show
February 15, 2024 19:00 – Kirsten Flagstad salen, Hamar Kulturhus Show
September 17, 2023 Show
September 16, 2023 Opening night
September 1, 2023Stamsund Worldwide premiere
Festivals (2)
Heddadagene June 12, 2024
The World Festival of Puppet Theatres September 16, 2023