Quelqu’un va venir

Quelqu’un va venir (2006) was a theatre producion by Compagnie La BarracaQuelqu’un va venir was based on a play by Jon FosseNokon kjem til å komme (Someone is Going to Come).

The director was Nabil el-Azan.


(Objekt ID 132844)
Object type Production
Premiere July 6, 2006
Produced by
Based on Someone is Going to Come by Jon Fosse
Audience Adults
Language French
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period July 6, 2006  —  July 29, 2006


https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/amp/541148/%3C%3C_Quelqu%27un_va_venir_%3E%3E_de_Jon_Fosse%2Cune_creation_en_Avignon_de_Nabil_el-Azan, accessed 02.11.2022.

Kirsti Mathilde Thorheim, Tyngda av ein forfattarskap: Jon Fosses litterære og sceniske rom, Ørsta 2008, p. 221.

Contributors (5)
Name Role
Jon Fosse – Playwright
Nabil el-Azan – Direction
Frédéric Gustaedt – Actor
Nathalie Pivain – Actor
Marc Susini – Actor
Performance dates
July 6, 2006Théâtre Gilgamesh Opening night