Valaki jön majd

Valaki jön majd (2013) was a theatre production by Rózsavölgyi Szalon in Budapest, HungaryValaki jön majd was based on a play by Jon FosseNokon kjem til å komme (Someone is Going to Come). 

The director was András Léner.


(Objekt ID 131720)
Object type Production
Premiere May 23, 2013
Produced by
Based on Someone is Going to Come by Jon Fosse
Audience Adults
Language Hungarian
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period May 23, 2013  
Contributors (10)
Name Role
Jon Fosse – Playwright
Zsófia Domsa – Translation
András Léner – Direction
Linda Zsíros – Choreography
Gréti Pacher – Music
Noémi Blastik – Dramaturge
Yvette Alida Kovács – Stage design
Tamás Balikó – Actor
Krisztián Dányi – Actor
Kati Rák – Actor
Performance dates
May 23, 2013Rózsavölgyi Szalon Opening night