Er zal iemand komen


Er zal iemand komen (2012) was a theatre production by the festival Terschellings Oero, Terschelling, the Netherlands. Er zal iemand komen was based on a play by Jon Fosse, Nokon kjem til å komme (Someone is Going to Come).

The director was Ilmer Sjaan Rozendaal.


(Objekt ID 120989)
Object type Production
Premiere June 16, 2012
Produced by
Based on Someone is Going to Come by Jon Fosse
Audience Adults
Language Dutch
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period June 16, 2012  
Contributors (4)
Name Role
Jon Fosse – Playwright
Hettie Pisters – Translation (til nederlandsk)
Karst Woudstra – Translation (til nederlandsk)
Ilmer Sjaan Rozendaal – Direction
Performance dates