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Festival program for The Theatre Festival in Kongsvinger 1993 pdf March 1993 Download

Friday the 15th of October

Friday 15th of October (1993) by Verdensteatret was the third part of the company's The October Trilogy. The October Trilogy consisted of Wednesday 13th of October (1990), Thursday 14th of October (1992) and Friday 15th of October (1993).


(Objekt ID 11181)
Object type Production
Premiere January 20, 1993
Produced by Verdensteatret
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen, Black Box Teater
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Dance, Music, Musical theatre, Trilogy
Running period January 20, 1993  —  October 14, 1993
Website Verdensteatret

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

In an information leaflet made by Verdensteatret in 2002 the following is written about 15th of October:

"This production contains elements of playing with theatrical conventions. As the two previous parts it contains bittersweet irony, brutality, humour as well as visual beauty.

The text is performed directly, but also at times paraphrased and commented on. The performers alternate between reading, making digressions, to telling private stories almost in the manner of stand- up comedy.

The dramaturgy is based on musical composition.

The music has been mixed by Verdensteatret with Händel's cantata Lucretia as the main theme.

The dance sequences are a violent mixture of different techniques.

The texts are from: T. Bernhard, H. Ibsen, Shakespeare, Almodóvar and Puccini (La Bohème)."

The October Trilogy was supported by Arts Council Norway.


Buresund, Inger and Anne-Britt Gran (1996): Frie grupper og Black Box Teater. 1970-1995 (literally: Independent Companies and Black Box Teater), adNotam Gyldendal, Oslo

Verdensteatrets' archive, donated by Verdensteatret. August 4th 2010.

Contributors (12)
Name Role
Lisbeth Bodd – Concept/Idea
Asle Nilsen – Concept/Idea
Lisbeth Bodd – Direction
Asle Nilsen – Stage design
Petter Steen – Sound
Jean Vincent Kerebel – Light
Vanessa Baird – Performer
Alexandra Boguslawski – Performer
Corinne Lyche Campos – Performer
Manuel Canteria – Performer
Håkon Hegnar – Performer
Khawar Sadiq – Performer
Performance dates
October 14, 1993Podewil, Podewil Center for Contemporary Arts Show
October 13, 1993Podewil, Podewil Center for Contemporary Arts Show
May 1993Théâtre en Mai Show
March 24, 1993 19:00 – Rådhus-Teatret, Kongsvinger Show
January 31, 1993 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
January 30, 1993 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
January 29, 1993 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
January 28, 1993 20:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
January 23, 1993Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
January 22, 1993Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
January 21, 1993Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Show
January 20, 1993Store scene (Vika), Black Box teater Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
Press coverage

Writer and date unknown, Klassekampen [Oslo]:
"By the members of the ensemble continuously ironising at the cost of themselves, and not least comments on its own theatrical expression and the theatre conventions connected to experimental theatre, a level of self-deprecation is established in the performance. This self-deprecation makes Verdensteatret's stage expression fully unique."